No matter where you are in your journey uncovering God’s love for immigrants – whether you are looking for inspiration from Scripture, you are in need of biblical resources for preaching and teaching, or you simply have some questions about the immigration debate – there’s something for ...
ignorant of common sense, ignorant of Scripture, and particularly ignorant of our own history. We should all know the fact that God’s prophet clearly prophesied that His own people (“My people” He said) “are destroyed for a lack of knowledge” (Hosea ...
We are called to love others and be peacemakers. “Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord” (Hebrews 12:14). But how do we accomplish this with someone we strongly disagree with? We can look to Scripture for...
“Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; that he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, that he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that ...
Woman's Finger Points to and Reads Biblical Scripture in Gospel of John with Sunlight Shining on vidoc_vidoc | 0:00 Ancient Knowledge biblical study on historical tomes books and papers Skyward_Kick | 0:00 Ancient Knowledge biblical study on historical tomes books and papers Skyward_Kick |...
This Scripture passages above make it clear that gay marriage and polyamory are both wicked perversions of God’s design for sex within marriage. So, if polyandry, gay marriage and polyamory are all violations of God’s design for marriage, then what polygyny (a man having more than one ...
Many people get stuck on the “rod” in this passage but the focus here should be on discipline. Scripture makes it clear that discipline is done as loving guidance, correction and teaching, not punishment. Personally, discipline teaches us to avoid sinful behavior, its dangers, its emptiness ...
As I said above, I find the third form of biblical inspiration most viable. When I say God inspired the authors of scripture and inspires us, I mean God self-reveals in uncontrolling ways. A huge advantage to my view is that I don’t have to claim God caused or allowed the biblical...
Leverage these three tools to help you get where God is taking you! Book Learn what the Bible says about the life issue you're studying. Study Guide Have a mentor or friend work through the truths with you. Scripture Pack Memorize put off/put on truths ...
What is the true meaning of the word "appeared" in scripture? matthew word appear Dan Fefferman 22.2k modified1 hour ago 2votes 3answers 120views How do Bible scholars interpret 1 Tim 3:2 in so far as it relates to the marital status of a Bishop?