Some of the most profound biblical meditations on the implications of chosenness can be found in Isaiah 40–66, a collection of postexilic oracles, sayings that time and again declare God’s enduring love for his beloved people and his intention to restore them once more to a flourishing ...
The three-source theory: It says that the Gospels of Matthew and Luke used the Gospel of Mark and a collection of sayings as primary sources, while the Gospel of Luke also used the Gospel of Matthew as a subsidiary source. The four-source theory: Mark, Q, M, and L: The four-source...
I love the materials . . . and am impressed at how much there is and how well it’s done. Bob Stallman,Professor of Bible and Hebrew, Chair of College and Ministry Graduate Students, NorthWest University Learn More With Free Desk Copy ...
The man proudly responded "Yes, I am. That sermon you preached about those who weight (wait) on the Lord shall renew their strength, really hit home!" >/p> *** CLEVER T SHIRT SAYINGS Dude be Nice! I don't want to, I don't have to, I won't - I'm Retired! Born in the US...
Instead, wisdom is addressed in a range of contexts, including in sayings, poetry, popular tales, and philosophical texts. Yet the terms wisdom literature and gnomic instruction (from the Greek gnōmē,“saying” or “thought”) are sometimes used to designate Greco-Roman texts focusing on ...
Besides, the repeated "with God" (verses 1, 2) compels us to distinguish the Logos from God; the words " became flesh" (verse 14) cannot be said of an attribute of God; and the Baptist's testimony, verse 15, in direct connection with this introduction (compare also such sayings of ...
D. Redaction criticism should be used to establish the authenticity of the sayings and events recorded in the Gospels. E. Gospel writers sometimes placed what Jesus said (or did) on one occasion into another occasion where He did not actually say (or do) it. Things Safely to be Believed ...
25-we may picture Mary to ourselves as living in Nazareth, in a humble sphere of life, the wife of Joseph the carpenter, pondering over the sayings of the angels, of the shepherds, of Simeon, and of those of her Son, as the latter "increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor ...
( John 5:44) and his Father “is the only true God” (John 17:3). Throughout all of his recorded sayings and discourses Jesus only referred the word ‘God’ to his Father alone … never to himself. Jesus knew there is only one Individual God Whose Name is...
He admitted that Tatian partook of the error of the Encratites and of Marcion, and that he even ‘is said to have applied the hands of impious emend-ation—or to use a more accurate phrase, the hands of cor-ruption—to the apostolic sayings’ (sed et dictis apostolicis manus profana...