” This verse is describing an event that was supposed to have taken place two days after the crucifixion, which was carried out on the eve of the Jewish Sabbath. This is described as being on “the first day of the week.” Jesus, early in the day, had appeared to Mary Magdalene in...
The article discusses the biblical roots of the Sabbath and the significance of the Jewish concept. According to the author, the word Sabbath can be found 106 times in the Old Testament and 61 times in the New Testament which connotes its importance. The Jewish tradition aims to create a co...
the meaning of the sabbath is to celebrate time rather than space. six days a week we live under the tyranny of things of space; on the sabbath we try to become attuned to holiness in time. it is a...doi:10.1007/978-94-6351-197-1_9Hune Margulies...
The article discusses the biblical roots of the Sabbath and the significance of the Jewish concept. According to the author, the word Sabbath can be found 106 times in the Old Testament and 61 times in the New Testament which connotes its importance. The Jewish tradition aims to create a co...
The meaning hereof is, that Moses received not only the written law from God, but also certain rules for its construction and application; and that even in the most corrupt times of Israel's history there were always some pure and holy men, who kept up the study of this tradition, and ...
The Old Testament era worship was mostly about outward conformity to a set of rules, and it was limited to specific locations and occasions. For instance, King David lamented when he couldn’t attend the tabernacle to worship among the assembly (Psalm 42:1-4). While rich in symbolism and...
the squiggle of his Sharpie. I think birthright citizenship for children of illegal immigrants should be reconsidered. I think the Department of Education should be eliminated. But he can’t do that on his own. He has to go about it the right way. This is a republic. We have rules and...
Wine and intoxicating beverages are not allowed; also the drinking of the blood even of clean animals is inter-dieted. Quadrupeds and birds must be killed according to certain fixed rules, God being invoked before the slaughter; but game shot by a hunter may be eaten. The eating of ...
Both texts, biblical and Hittite, dictate the rules by which the worship should be conducted in a legal way that says that if the rules are not to be fulfilled, the divine world (Hittite gods/YHWH) will seek punishment, which in worst cases will be the death of the culprit and his see...
The chalitstah was regarded as involving future relationship, so that a man who had received it could not marry the widow's relations within the prohibited degrees (4:7). Special rules are laid down for cases where a woman married under a false impression as to her husband's death (10...