We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way; and the LORD has laid on him [Christ] the iniquity of us all. He was oppressed and afflicted, yet he did not open his mouth; he was led like a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shear...
References Alumkal, A. 2004. American evangelicalism in the post–civil rights era: A Racial formation theory analysis. Sociology of Religion 65(3): 195–213.View Article Aarts, K., and H.A. Semetko. 2003. The divided electorate: Media use and political involvement. The Journal of Politics...
it appears this has to do with the mode of leading one to saving faith in Christ. And thus references to such "Christians" who commit this sin were "Christians" only nominally so on the road to salvation. Nonetheless this is something Christians should be concerned about. For how do you ...
Some of the Biblical references to honey debash could be referring to a sweet grape syrup. The Hebrew debash is similar to Arabic dibs, a sweet syrup made by boiling down the juice of grapes, raisins or dates. In moderate use the social impact of yeast is beneficial but alcoholism is ...
If to these we add two references to her, the first by her Nazarene fellow- citizens (Mt 13:54-55; Mr 6:13), the second by a woman in the multitude (Lu 11:27). we have specified every event known to us in her life. It is noticeable that, on every occasion of our Lord's ...
I. History.— This is so largely made up of the history of Palestine itself in different ages, and of its successive rulers, that for minute details we refer to these, SEE JUDEA; we here present only a general survey, but with references to sources of more detailed information. ⇒"Je...
Many of the arguments for Christmas are not historically based and have few proof texts. On the other hand, the arguments and documentation against Christmas are very numerous as can be seen in the quoted references below. Being that there are so many arguments for and against Christmas, can ...
In spite of assurances from numerous brethren that they will consider what I have written and respond, all I have received by way of communication (except for the 2 ministers who have concurred with me) are questions about my belief in divine healing and references to my questioning our stand...
The compiler, who lived about the middle of the 11th century, omits all the references to the original sources, discards the form of lectures, and assumes that of a commentary. The first edition of this Midrash appeared at Constantinople in 1512-17, with the commentary Sera Abraham (Vilna,...
1:4). Though we may not be able to rely upon either his dates or his facts, yet we may infer from his words and references that the Medes were one of the great primeval races which established themselves in Central Asia. Herodotus gives a very graphic and circumstantial account of the ...