The Law of First Mention:“Some Bible students use the law of first mention as a guideline of study in which they find the first time a word, idea, or doctrine is introduced in Scripture to better understand the other references.
Taxable articles are fruits of the field, domestic animals, silver, gold, and merchandise, lying with the owner a year. The taxes (the varying amounts we pass by) are to be used to aid the poor, for the conversion of infidels, for the redemption 'of slaves and prisoners, for the ...
I have not given Bible references for all of the statements. If you are a serious Bible student, surely you can answer the ten True-False statements fairly easily. Before referencing his article, let me give a definition of “restoration.” This is the word used in your New Testament in ...
Americans on average go through 12 years of public school indoctrination in evolution. Those, who go to college and those who get advanced degrees get 4, 6 or 8 more years of deeper indoctrination into the ideas that animals have been dying for millions of years. Even those who don’t get...
Hardwick, Christ and other Masters, 2:389 sq.; and see the references there for Lassen and others). Doctrines. — Like Magism, Manichaeism holds that there are two eternal principles from which all things proceed, the two everlasting kingdoms, bordering on each other-the kingdom of light ...
Artists of the middle ages often ignored references that indicated the Queen was African. She often takes on a resemblance to popular female figures of the time. King Solomon And Queen Sheba Her appearance in Biblical tapestries often represents the Church and the idea that all wisdom and ...
Besides the references already made, see Rosenmüller, Scholia in Exod.; Michaelis, Suppl. ad Lex. Hebraic. 1203 sq.; Oedmann, Verm. Samml. aus der Naturkunde, 1:6, 74-91; Bakerus, Annotat. in Et. M. 2:1090; Harenberg, Observ. Crit. de Insectis AEgypt. infestantibus, in Miscell...
Crosses were often presented to cloisters by pious visitors, and are preserved in many of their manuscripts. They were used to mark the beginning and end of books, letters, documents, of chapters, paragraphs, references, and critical remarks in books. They are especially used in many countries...
This shows parallels to how Jesus and the Holy Spirit bring new life to those who believe in Him and the promise that Christ will come back one day to reclaim His people. Another book in the series that includes many references to the Bible is The Last Battle. This is the last book in...
REFERENCES (1) (2),%3B%20Deuteronomy%205%3A21). ...