The most detailed and authoritative reference for a particular language,operating systemor other complex software system. It is also used to denote one of a small number of such books such asKnuthandK&R. This article is provided by FOLDOC - Free Online Dictionary of Computing ( ...
Another important reference to the use of “helper” to describe YHWH himself and his relationship to his people is found in Ps 70:6, “But I am poor and needy; hasten to me, O God! You are my helper (עֶזְרִ֣י) and deliver; O YHWH do not delay!” Here it...
Each volume offers an authoritative and up-to-date survey of original research in a particular subject area. Specially commissioned essays from leading figures in the discipline give critical examinations of the progress and direction of debates. Biblical studies is a highly technical and diverse ...
The second meaning for apostasy in this verse is to depart, and may be a reference to the rapture. The forces of the Antichrist are restrained on Earth until the Holy Spirit which dwells within God’s Church is removed by the rapture. With Christ’s followers removed from the scene, the ...
The reference is to that Light of lights, the Father of lights, which, unlike the sun, has neither annual orbit nor daily decline. The material sun rises and sets daily, and yearly climbs the sky to the solstice, and then declines to the tropic, but the uncreated Sun shines on, fixed...
These conversations make studying the Bible more engaging and relevant to your life. • Track Your Bible Study Progress Use personalized roadmaps to set goals and track your spiritual growth. See which study plans are in progress and which are completed, helping you visualize your journey and ...
“Much of the industry has been working hard to change whisky’s reputation as a ‘man’s drink’, but condoning, even celebrating, a book that contains language like this erases much of that progress and allows the objectification of women in whisky. ...
As these rules illustrate fully the whole spirit and tendency of the Romish system, in its relation to the freedom of literary and scientific progress, we give them here in full. "(1.) All books condemned by the supreme pontiffs or General Councils before the year 1515, and not comprised ...
The present volume seeks to renew and intensify the exchange between the study of words and the study of texts. This is done in reference to both the Hebrew source text and the earliest Greek translation, the Septuagint. Questions addressed in the contributions to this volume are how linguistic...
If Cornelius was cleansed by “the faith” prior to Peter’s coming to Caesarea, then the “words whereby thou shalt be saved” in Acts 11:14 (which Peter would preach to him) cannot be a reference to salvation from sin but must be a delivery from the divine system for the Gentiles ...