Van Leeuwen succinctly describes the key to this section: “The collective roles that Groupish beliefs play in constituting group identity put essentially no pressure on them to be true or track evidence – and some of these roles even put pressure on them to be, as it were, allergic to ev...
Conybeare then goes on and quotes the biblical scholar Dr. C.R. Gregory, and writes: "In the case just examined (Matthew 28:19), it is to be noticed that not a single manuscript or ancient version has preserved to us the true reading. But that is not surprising, for as Dr. C....
The names "Old" and "New" Testaments come from the New Testament book of Hebrews, chapter 8, which in turn quotes the Old Testament book of Jeremiah, chapter 31: The time is coming, declares the Lord, when I will make a new covenant [testament] with the house of Israel and with the...
Quotes & ReviewsView All Quotes & Reviews Posts Topic Description Many voices – authors and speakers, shrinks, and preachers – advise us on how live productive and meaningful lives. Some realistically weave together issues of the spirit, mind, and body and accurately reflect biblical truth. Thei...
Many women were taught an interpretation of this text which is not in there. So, we will start with what itdoes notsay. For that, compare these two quotes, and then see if you agree with me which one is like verse 4 :Read the rest of this entry » ...
Tags: abortion, apologetic, archeology, atheism, Bible, biblical literacy, biblical truth, Charles Spurgeon, Christianity, David Wilkerson, Detroit, Detroit Tigers, encouragement, God's presence, God's Word, Google, Jerusalem, media, meditation, praise, pro-life, quotes, Rich Mullins, science, ...
He explains the four main areas where scholars on the more liberal end of the evangelical spectrum (and usually holding membership in the Evangelical Theological Society and signing agreement with CSBI) have ignored, misunderstood, or otherwise challenged the CSBI: (1) the meaning of “truth,” ...
Think-God-Now exists to promote Biblical Christian Thought by offering over 600 Christian One-liners, Quotes of faith by Leaders, Clean Jokes, Links to Christian News sites, plus Thoughts and Songs by Pastor Randy and Nancy Osborn.
As with all of the subjects of Biblical Astronomy, we allow God's Word to lead us in the direction we should go, but scientific principles of Astronomy can provide an important guiding force in our search for truth. The Creator's temporal order was laid out on the Fourth Day of Creation...
6. True/False—There is at least one passage of Scripture that predicates salvation on a person’s getting merely close to the truth in his own knowledge. Answer: False 7. True/False—According to the New Testament, the saved are added to the church and compose the church. Answer: True...