I was once young and now I am old, but not once have I been witness to God's failure to supply my need when first I had given for the furtherance of His work. He has never failed in His promise, so I cannot fail in my service to Him. —William Carey 136 I never would have b...
The names "Old" and "New" Testaments come from the New Testament book of Hebrews, chapter 8, which in turn quotes the Old Testament book of Jeremiah, chapter 31: The time is coming, declares the Lord, when I will make a new covenant [testament] with the house of Israel and with the...
* Despite all my criticism of complementarian doctrine, the Danvers Statement does have:“Both Adam and Eve were created in God’s image, equal before God as persons …”as the first part of the first affirmation. One could thus ask Strachan to pay at least lip service to equality. Catego...
This article discusses a Biblical view of leadership, primarily focusing on the idea of leadership by serving as introduced by Jesus Christ.
Biblical Concepts Ministries (BCM) is a non-profit 501(c)3 Bible-based non denominational, non partisan Christian ministry dedicated to equipping the saints by educating, motivating, and activating the body of Christ in civil and community service and public policy in order to defend our religious...
Think-God-Now exists to promote Biblical Christian Thought by offering over 600 Christian One-liners, Quotes of faith by Leaders, Clean Jokes, Links to Christian News sites, plus Thoughts and Songs by Pastor Randy and Nancy Osborn.
Mariage is a divine institution ordained by God for service to him. Perhaps Matthew Henry’s observation that the woman was “not made out of his head to rule over him, nor out of his feet to be trampled upon by him, but out of his side to be equal with him, under his arm to ...
particularly around Elijah the prophet. Suffice to say that when there is a physical description of some kind, it is consistent with what we’ve seen so far – humanoid, but often impressive, powerful, or even terrifying (in action, if not appearance). Here are a few relevant quotes from...
(which by analogy would be rendered ἀγγελια, as מִלָאך is ἄγγελος) has the ordinary sense of work, service, making it almost certain that the 'angels of the churches' are nothing but a harsh Hebraism for 'ministers of the churches.' We therefore ...
"Economic Man" takes natural resources and transforms them into something more useful to human beings, and under a division of labor, trades most or all of what he produces for the fruit of the labor of others. Both producers in such a voluntary trade are better off than they were before...