Dean Burgon quotes Gaius (AD175-200) who speaks of the source of corruptions that survive in the early papyri: "The Divine Scriptures these heretics have audaciously corrupted. Laying violent hands upon them, under pretense of correcting them." (Burgon, The Revision Revised, p. 323). Eusebius...
TGC said it “lacked sufficient context”, and replaced the article with the entire first chapter that it came from. Reading the chapter does not make the excerpted article any better. If anything, it makes it worse. Example one: Hequotes Sheila Wray Gregoire, but misses her entire point. ...
particularly around Elijah the prophet. Suffice to say that when there is a physical description of some kind, it is consistent with what we’ve seen so far – humanoid, but often impressive, powerful, or even terrifying (in action, if not appearance). Here are a few relevant quotes from ...
Salvation, of course, entails coming to a knowledge of the truth, but one cannot be saved from past sins simply because he knows truth. The Bible teaches that one must believe the truth, love the truth, and obey the truth (Heb. 11:1, 6; Acts 20:32; 2 Thess. 2:10-12; 1 Pet....
Think-God-Now exists to promote Biblical Christian Thought by offering over 600 Christian One-liners, Quotes of faith by Leaders, Clean Jokes, Links to Christian News sites, plus Thoughts and Songs by Pastor Randy and Nancy Osborn.
Calendars are powerful political, religious and social tools. Their symbolism incorporates spiritual, temporal, cosmological, celestial, numerical and agricultural truths, often in the guise of cultural myth. The authority ancient kings, carried througho
In the 2nd letter to Bro. Ed Wilson, I quote what God had to say about any of His people sacrificing their children to Molech, and that God went on record, stating that He never commanded such a thing, and that such a thing never came into His mind, because no such thing was ever...
Augustine quotes the fathers that preceded him as agreeing with him in his doctrinal views. The principal discussions of the fathers of the earlier centuries were with Gnosticism in its various manifestations. This led them to magnify unduly the power of man's free will. At this point the ...
The Gnostic spiritualism which treated the resurrection as past early troubled the Church, and its disciples might cast ridicule on the faith and hopes of others in the challenge which Peter quotes. (2.) It is said that the allusion to Paul's epistles indicates a late date, as it supposes...
Quotes from the Worldwide Head of Luciferian Freemasonry, Albert Pike (1916), in his book Morals & Dogma, the 'bible' of Freemasonry: “As MOLOCH or MALEK he was but an omnipotent monarch, a tremendous and irresponsible Will; as ADONAI, only an arbitrary LORD and Master; as AL Shadai,...