Pastor Randy and Nancy OsbornChristian News SitesABOUT THINKGODNOWCampaign Signs, Billboards, Newspaper Ads, and OtherChristian One-linersQuotesClean JokesContact Us Pastor Randy and Nancy Osborn Nancy singing the song 'Reach Forth Your Hand', which the Lord gave her during a period in which sh...
In this place the chorus and singing of the angels continued three whole days. But after three days, on the angelic music ceasing, those of the apostles who were present opened the tomb, as one of them, Thomas, had been absent, and on his arrival wished to adore the body which had ...
In this essay I explore what Paul means byprophecyandtonguesin his first letter to the Corinthians. I suggest that: By “prophecy” Paul generally means the church’s corporate prayer and especially singing, especially in the vernacular; and By “tongues” Paul means worship in Hebrew rather th...
Religion suffered under the same depression. On the one hand was a rigid Lutheranism which had petrified what had once been living convictions into dead dogmas, and which gave its whole attention to controversies about definitions of doctrines in which.the people had ceased to feel a genuine int...
Putting aside, therefore, such claim, as also the stranger notion that the apostle in 1Co 2:9, quotes from this liturgy. rather than that the liturgist quotes from him, we may still recognize in this early form of Christian-worship features of peculiar interest. It is still used on St....