But as I have pondered your last comment here the for a few days – I realize there are some different questions from you here and a slightly different argument that you are making against a husband forcing his wife to have sex in marriage. I know what I showed you before and the ne...
Recently I had the following comment and questions from a reader calling herself Gillian in response to my previously article “Why Christian Women Should Wear Head Coverings”: “This command has always niggled at me and I’m grateful for your clear explanation. I’m wondering about a hypothet...
Each of the forty topics covered follows a helpful eight-part outline and identifies: 1) typical symptoms and patterns, 2) definitions and key thoughts, 3) questions to ask, 4) directions for the conversation, 5) action steps, 6) biblical insights, 7) prayer starters, and 8) recommended ...
Ask a question and one of our academic experts will send you an answer within hours. Make sure to include all the information needed to answer the question. Please direct questions about technical support or the Study.com website tocustomer support. ...
But now we must ask some questions. For what purpose is a mighty army raised? To fight a great battle. For whom is a mighty army raised? For a mighty King. Just so, this mighty resurrection army will be raised up in resurrection power on the last day to follow her mighty King into...
When the world says “give up” or “it’s not your business,” I challenge you to stand up for the sake of your child. Go ahead and risk being annoying. Be the mom who knows the names of your child’s friends. Be the mom who asks the hard questions and loves unconditionally. Be...
This is leading you to some obvious questions. If some relatively simple math will show that the world’s economy has always been destined to fail – why wasn’t this prevented? Why haven’t we been warned? Who has let this happen? Who is behind this? Why are government and financial ...
willingly laid down His life for you and me. He gave His life to give eternal life to those who would believe in Him. All you need to do is to ask God for forgiveness and receiveJesus Christas Lord and Savior. There is no sin that you or anyone else has committed that God will an...
Happy Valentine’s Day to all!!! If you have questions or comments, include them below or connect with me via email or phone…I would “love” to talk further!!! Posted inUncategorized Let There Be Light Posted onDecember 21, 2020byAlbert Beltran—Leave a comment ...
Everything great starts with a dream. The world is better when people dream big and believe that impossible things can happen. Challenge yourself to ask “what if” questions and use your imagination to see the world in new and different ways. People desires to be with leaders and organizatio...