Esther.The name Esther comes from the biblical story of an ordinary girl who became queen of Persia and, ultimately, saved her people. The name is thought to mean “star” in Persian. Some charming nickname options include Essie, Ettie, and Estée. Eve.You can’t have a list of biblical...
Its meaning represents someone who is pure or, like the name Sarah, a queen. To that merit, its biblical mention appears as the queen of the Ethiopian people in the book of Acts where the apostle Phillip arrives and ends up converting her chief treasurer. The name has been rather popular ...
Histories say that the name belonged to a Persian queen named Esther of Persia. She was a famous leader who stopped the Jewish people from being killed in her own country. This feat continues to be commemorated annually via the holiday of Purim, and an entire book of the Bible is devoted ...
of Persia, 1:2; Ker Porter, Travels, 1:458, etc.; Rich, Journey from Bushire to Persepolis, etc. ⇒See also the International Standard Bible Encyclopedia.2. While the district of Fars is the true original Persia, the name is more commonly applied, both in Scripture and by profane ...
The natural boundary of Media on the north was the river Aras; on the west Zagros, and the mountain-chain which connects Zagros with Ararat; on the south Media was probably separated from Persia by the desert which now forms the boundary between Farsistan and Irak Ajemi; on the east its...
The regal lion represents the homage due to Leo, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the king of the Hebrew zodiac, seated on David's throne; [Luke 1:32], born from Virgo the Woman and queen-Israel the earthly seed. Conversely, Joseph's dominion refers to the Sun's cycle of precession...
and the queen mother Jezebel, who “had painted her eyes, and adorned her head” before she was thrown out of the window and so mangled by the trampling of horses that “they found no more of her than the skull and the feet and the palms of her hands.” Jezebel’s end had come ab...
"The Bible was translated into the Armenian language in the fifth century, under very auspicious circumstances, the history of which has come down to us. It has been allowed by competent judges of the language, to be a most faithful translation. La Cruze calls it the `Queen of Versions.'...
is also occasionally applied to the whole district of Chaldea, coincident with the plain of Shinar (Isa 14:2), as well as to Babylonia, the province of the Assyrian empire of which it was the metropolis (2Ch 32:31; 2Ch 33:11), and eventually to Persia itself (Ezr 5:13; Ne 13:6...
Da 1:3,7. The courf of Herod of course had its eunuchs (Josephus, Ant. 16:8, 1; 15:7, 4), as had also that of queen Candace (Ac 8:27). Michaelis (2:180) regards them as the proper consequence of the gross polygamy of the East, although his further remark that they tend ...