It would be fitting for this next article to be written on the heels of the 4 part “deep dive,” into examining the Prophecies of Ezekiel Chapters 38-39. If you haven’t read them yet I strongly advise you to do so… In matters of Bible prophecy fulfillment, it is widely acknowledged...
The prophecies of Ps 72; Isa 49:7,23; Isa 60:16, must be fulfilled in them, and they become princes ("reguli," Tertull. c. Jud. 9; c. Marc. 5). This tends more and more to be the dominant thought. When the arrival of the magi, rather than the birth or the baptism of ...
2. The import of this designation as given to Jesus of Nazareth may now readily be apprehended. (1.) No attentive reader of the Old Testament can help noticing that in every part of the prophecies there is ever and anon presented to our view an illustrious personage destined to appear at...
Proponents of the teaching have pointed to the influence of the British Empire and American expansionism as evidence of the fulfillment of biblical prophecies. They note that the British Empire was the largest in history and that Britain was responsible for the spread of Christianity and Western ci...
Direst of Predictions For War in Iraq; End-Time Interpreters See Biblical Prophecies Being FulfilledBill Broadway
The book of Hosea not only applied to the nation of Israel. It also applies to our day and contains prophecies concerning the state of the world we live in today. So is this text from Hosea fulfilled in our day? Is it a sign of the end times? Yes!
Remember the Holy Bible interprets and bears witness to itself with its own scriptures. We will cover a few more OT prophecies that spoke of YESHUAH. Please keep in mind that there are numerous prophecies written about YESHUAH in the OT but for sake of brevity, you can discover them on ...
"It has to be understood in context" I find this amusing because it comes from the same crowd that likes to push likewise extracted verses that support their particular view. Often it is just one of the verses in the contradictory set is suppose to be taken as THE TRUTH when if you add...
an image of the Hebrew zodiac foreshadowing the prophecy of Jacob over his twelve sons in Genesis 49, as an image of the Sidereal zodiac, seen as both the sheaves (earthly seed; Genesis 13:15-17) and stars (heavenly seed; Genesis 15:4-6), both relating to prophecies concerning Israel....
The healing which was to characterize the life of Jesus Christ was prophesied in Isaiah 35:3-6, Isaiah 53:4-5, and in many other Old Testament scriptures. These prophecies of Isaiah were declared to be fulfilled in the ministry of Jesus in Matthew 8:16-17 where it says, “When the ev...