Bultmann believes that predictions of the parousia are older than those of the passion. He therefore wants to believer – and no doubt does believe – that when they occur in the same passage some discrepancy or ‘unassimilation’ must be perceptible between them. But surly he foists this ...
Fearing that these predictions would prove true, as those about the rain and fire had done, Ahab now assumed the manner of a penitent; and, though subsequent acts proved the insincerity of his repentance, yet God rewarded his temporary abasement by a temporary arrest of judgment. We see, ...
It even came to be held that any one who had read a forbidden book was guilty of all the heresies therein contained, and incapacitated for readmission into the Church until the performance of such penance as the Church enjoined. Especially did the hierarchy consider the reading of translations...
Not your average thread. Elon means Oak Tree in Hebrew. Entheos kept saying they were waiting on “Oak Tree”…before Elon bought X, before he joined up with Trump. Entheos has made accurate predictions yrs in advance. Read all. There’s something STRANGE from today that I found. ...
To humorously understate matters, Revelation’s predictions don’t bode well for him: [F]ire came down from heaven and consumed [those who serve Satan], and the devil who had deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and sulfur where the beast and the false prophet were, and they ...
However, the greatest reason that Smith’s predictions failed to come to pass has been outlined many times by today’s premier silver analyst, Theodore Butler. In the 1980s, the world’s supply of above-ground silver was rapidly being depleted and the price should have been moving higher rat...
predictions of His own death and resurrection and then reports how these predictions were fulfilled exactly by His death on Golgotha and His resurrection on the third day. In short, Matthew tells us the amazing story of Jesus so that his readers will see that Jesus is the Messiah and the Da...
Jason Lisle, made different predictions of what the JWST would find. He predicted that when the images from the JWST were analyzed that we would find fully formed galaxies and only populate 1& 2 stars. When the images were analyzed, the secular astronomer were dumbfounded because the young ...
I will add here that I looked into the predictions of various ones (including the Popes John-Paul II and Benedict XVI; see also the YouTube video Will Pope Benedict's resignation lead to the prophesied Antichrist?) and believe Malachy's list was accurate about them (though the list also ...
“They came to me from Babylon.” 4 The prophet asked, “What did they see in your palace?” “They saw everything in my palace,” Hezekiah said. “There is nothing among my treasures that I did not show them.” 5 Then Isaiah said to Hezekiah, “Hear the word o...