The record in Ezekiel 28:12-15 shows these precious stones associated with Lucifer in his first estate, on the mountain of God's presence, symbolizing the angels of the First Heavens & Earth, even as the High Priest wore his breastplate in service to God's presence in Israel's Tabernacle...
,Pierres gravies(Par. 1750); Blum,Taschenbuch d.E lelsteenk. (2d ed. Steuttg. 1835); Hindmarsb,Precious Stones of Scripture(Lond. 1851); Anon.Gems, ancient and modern(Lond. 1852); King,Antique Gems(Lond. 1861); Thomson,Land and Book,1:437 sq.SEEMINERALOGY; SEESTONES, PRECIOUS....
Now, they should build on it gold, silver, and precious stones, and should have nothing to fear from either fire; not only that which is to consume the ungodly forever, but also that which is to purge those who are to escape through [per] the fire. For it is said, he himself ...
So it is clear, the Bible certainly does answer these questions concerning the meaning of life.It is also clear that man does not control the mind of the Creator, nor does man dictate the terms of eternity to come.But it is arguable that man does influence the third and final, very imp...
God's wonderful plan of salvation through Jesus (Yeshua, meaning God saves) is revealed in the Holy Bible. This plan is so simple that even a child can repent and believe in Jesus, yet it is also so profound that no other way is sufficient enough to obtain salvation from sin, death, ...
will show the meaning — at-one-ment. Man is a sinner and deserves to die. Jesus comes in and bears His punishments and weeps His griefs. I was lost once, but now I am found. Cowper, overborne with his sin, threw himself into a chair by the window, picked up a New Testament, ...
Is God trying to intentionally deceive us by using words that have a different meaning than what their plain meaning is? Isn't this a basic rule of hermeneutics? The literal meaning is the first meaning used unless context declares otherwise. Don't you have to redefine "destroy" in every ...
iv. Spurgeon complied a series of quotations from Brooks called, “Smooth Stones Taken From Ancient Brooks”. He said of Brooks, “As a writer, Brooks scatters stars with both his hands. He has dust of gold: in his storehouse are all manner of precious stones. Genius is always marvelous...
The chief application, however, of the word is the cutting and engraving of precious stones and metals (intaglio work, as distinguished from the raisework of cameos, etc.), such as the breastplate of the high-priest.(Ex 28:9-11,21), and the plate of his mitre (verses 36, 37). The...
But there were also propitiatory sacrifices required by a feeling of guilt and of dread. Here life is given for life. It seems impossible to put less meaning into such rites than that the worshipper acknowledged his life to be forfeited, and hoped by something which not only had value but...