In drawing the northern border of Judah, we find Jerusalem again mentioned (Jos 15:8; compare Jos 18:16). This border ran through the valley of Ben-Hinnom; the country on the south of it, as Bethlehem, belonged to Judah; but the mountain of Zion, forming the northern wall of the va...
Then, those traveling with Paul and some brethren at Caesarea all began trying to persuade Paul not to go to Jerusalem. But we learn in verse 14 that it is the will of the Lord for Paul to go to Jerusalem. So, we now go back to verse 4 where Luke had said that the disciples at...
and one of the most significant. For example, it was an olive branch that a dove brought back toNoahto demonstrate that the flood was over. TheMount of Oliveseast ofJerusalemis mentioned several times. The olive tree
urging others to “taste and see that the Lord is good” (verse 8). David uses his experience to emphasize themes of God’s protection, the value of fearing the Lord, and the assurance that God is near
in the account of the visit of the queen of Sheba to king Solomon, when she heard of his fame concerning the name of the Lord, and came to prove him with hard questions (1Ki 10:1): "And she came to Jerusalem with a very great train, with camels that bare spices, and very much...
to an eternity of evil. But that evil is addressed by God and paid for at Calvary (see Christ/Jesus of Nazareth). The way to the Tree of Life is opened once again. The final chapter of the Bible pictures the tree now standing in the New Jerusalem, "come down from heaven as a ...
From the beginning of His ministry to the arrival to Jerusalem on a donkey to the death on the cross, was not only prophesied. Jesus was on a divine timeline determined by the Father long before the foundation of the world. Thedeath of Christwas no accident or just another criminal dying...
(5) Σεμνεῖον, which is the name applied by Philoto the abodes or places of resort of the Therapeutce, and hence it was sometimes given to monasteries. The Latins retained the word sunmniun (simnium, or scimnium).
This incensed the bishop; and when the clergy of that province asked Origen to expound the Scriptures in public, Demetrius wrote to expostulate with them, on the ground that such a mission should not be entrusted to one who was not an ordained priest. Alexander, bishop of Jerusalem, and ...
well as his words and later actions during the visit and finally the reason why the Lord pushed Peter towards this important meeting. Once the ramifications of Peter’s Gentile event are rightfully divided at the proper places in scripture other New Testament events become much clearer to grasp....