How Should Fatherless Women Approach Choosing a Husband? Women are made by God with a need for male headship. When a woman has no father or even if…Read More April 12, 2023 Enduring and Overcoming the Trials and Temptations of Singleness Singleness is not a gift, but rather it is a ...
While Ephesians 5:33 commands women to reverence their husbands – it is these two verses from Psalm 45:10-11 which help to show what the reverence of a wife toward her husband should look like. But before we can apply what these verses are saying to the command for women to reverence ...
In the year 1528 the Dominican Sanctes Pagninus of Lucca published at Lyons, in quarto, his accurate translation of the Bible into the Latin from the Hebrew and Greek. This edition is divided throughout into verses marked with Arabic numerals in the margin, both in the Old and the New ...
We will alsoshare some ChristianHappy New Year Wishes 2024with Bible verses tobetter serve your soul. While partying hard with friends and family is also important, do not miss the spiritual essence of these events so that it doesn’t get heavy on your heart. ...
pastor was unwilling to address cultural issues. You know, we need to be careful not to “push anyone away.” Her pastor’s passive stance on issues that her family is facing confused her. Her struggle deepened. After all, what good mother would push her son away with Bible verses-n-...
On New Year's morning the family surround the table, the father breaks the bread and distributes it, whereupon it is eaten as breakfast; then all wish each other a happy New Year. In the Highlands of Scotland it is thought dangerous to speak out the name of a fairy on the mountains ...
(the first book of the Bible), chapter three, verses fifteen through eighteen. With so many different translations and editions, identification by page number is simply not feasible. This refinement, however, was not found in the original manuscripts. It is the result of an editorial decision ...
"Start by learning the Hebrew alphabet and end up reading the bible independently, understanding the deepest verses" Aure Ben Zvi, Biblical Hebrew Teacher "Knowing the bible's historical and physical setting is absolutely key to access the bible's spiritual and significance" Jonathan Lipnick, Head...
"Start by learning the Hebrew alphabet and end up reading the bible independently, understanding the deepest verses" Aure Ben Zvi, Biblical Hebrew Teacher "Knowing the bible's historical and physical setting is absolutely key to access the bible's spiritual and significance" Jonathan Lipnick, Head...
Matthew Chapter 13 Verses 13:14 ‘Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.’ Jesus is telling us that we ...