Walter Scott and Pope's Homer were reading of my own election, but my mother forced me, by steady daily toil, to learn long chapters of the Bible by heart; as well as to read it every syllable through, aloud, hard names and all, from Genesis to the Apocalypse, about once a year; ...
There are, besides these general sections, but three particular districts, the names of which have come down to us; these are: (1.) Bethso, which is named by Josephus as lying along the western side of the first wall; but we are ignorant of its extent or special appropriation. (2...
We don’t necessarily need to gender anyone. Long before the issue of gender identity and preferred pronouns was a thing there were people whose names did not reveal whether they were male or female. Believe it or not it is possible to reply to an e-mail, politely and respectfully, withou...
This indeed is taken for granted in the case of women. The names of the wives are not mentioned, until the case of Lamech, who appears to have been the first polygamist, brings them into un-enviable notice; and Cain found a wife, though we have no notice of any woman having been ...
he sometimes substituted the more familiar names of local Greek deities in place of the long-forgotten names of pagan Semitic deities being denounced. Is it “right” to substitute contemporary terms that would clearly communicate the message to the readers in place of ancient terms and idioms tha...
Ezekiel 10 names these creatures “cherubim”. (To quickly summarize: cherubim are not winged infant archers. Their limited physical descriptions elsewhere, such as in the descriptions of the Ark of the Covenant, are similar to Ezekiel’s, though there are variances. For example, the cherubim ...
According to the New Bible Dictionary in reference to the significance of the names Jachin and Boaz, "the names may be the first words of oracles giving power to the Davidic dynasty: perhaps 'Yahweh will establish (yakin) thy throne forever' and 'In the strength (beoz) of Yahweh shall ...
Meanwhile, for average males, there’s an activity that can decrease disease risk by 30%, reducing the risk from a baseline of 1 to a level of 0.7. To compare the patient’s disease risk to a baseline male without the genetic risk, but who engages in the risk-reducing activity, we su...
3b And all the world marveled and followed the beast. 4 So they worshiped the dragon who gave authority to the beast; and they worshiped the beast...7b And authority was given him over every tribe, tongue, and nation. 8 All who dwell on the earth will worship him, whose names have...
They are of different kinds and names, some descending only to the waist, while others reach nearly to the ground. — The Heb. terms that follow appear to designate some of these, but they are never rendered "vail" or "veil" in the A. V. ...