When the Avalanche Roareddelves into the flames that spark, not from smoldering locomotives in a ravine, but within a small rail town that banded together in the wee hours of a frigid morning to rescue others. The destruction is evident. But the grit and determination of those who dug out ...
ex. The Psalms, Song of Solomon, and Lamentations Prophecy Contain the messages of prophets who conveyed God's words to His people, often including calls to repentance, warnings of judgment, and messages of hope.ex. major prophets like Isiah and Jeremiah, as well as minor prophets like Hosea...
Visit our Audio page where you will find more than 300 powerful messages on many of the needs of our day. Dr. Coomer has dealt with many issues going back to the Bible for answers for our life and hope. God’s Word has the answers for each of us and how we find that God wants ...
you will find the audio and the video for our pre-conference where we discussed this very topic human suffering in very real terms and heaven’s hope. We’re going to provide resources that will be an encouragement to you where we recalibrate our self to a biblical orientation of how we ...
would be a year of blessings and answered prayers. That everything you have been hoping and praying for would come to pass. May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. –Romans 15:...
studies, lessons and other free sermons materials are from a Spirit-filled, faith perspective. Please avail yourself to these edifying faith messages.You will find them very encouraging as they serve to strengthen your faith in God. May God bless you as you press into the high calling of God...
Messages on Prayer & God's Word S.O.A.P. Method SOAP stands for Scripture, Observation, Application, and Prayer. It is an easy way to get connected in God's word everyday. Scripture: Read a short Bible passage. You can either read this out loud, in your head, or write it out ...
Discover free sermon help to preach biblical messages for your church. Pastors around the world look to Sermon Central for free sermons, sermon outlines, sermon illustrations, preaching ideas for sermon preparation, church videos, sermon video illustrati
We noticed in 1 John 3:3 that everyone who has this hope of enjoying the fullness of this relationship when Jesus returns purifies himself. Seeing what kind of the love the Father has for us that we are children of God is the motivation for us to purify our lives. What John is going...
“I could not write that story [of Susan returning to Narnia] myself. Not that I have no hope of Susan’s ever getting to Aslan’s country; but because I have a feeling that the story of her journey would be longer and more like a grown-up novel than I wanted to write.” ...