How should she deal with her… Read More April 13, 2020 Wives Forget Your Father’s House While the Bible tells men to “leave” their father and mother when they enter marriage it uses a different word… Read More March 29, 2020 1 Peter 3:7 Why Are a Husband’s Prayers Hindered?
October 20, 2023 How To Deal With An Argumentative Wife Every time a woman argues with her husband she sins against God. Period. 1 Peter 3:1-2 (NASB) shows us that…Read More May 18, 2023 Should Husbands Invite Their Wives to Criticize Them? Should a husband invite “critical feedback...
The reason assigned is, that the men themselves were at that time generally adulterous, and that God would not fulfill the imprecations of the ordeal oath upon the wife while the husband was guilty of the same crime (Joh 8:1-8). SEE ORDEAL. ...
Complementarians claim women are equal but do not need to have their voices heard in the church, home, and society because men will speak up for everyone. But if this actually worked, then men like Strachan would match any statement about the importance of men with an equally strong similar...
Many Christian pastors and counselors excuse this behavior of wives telling men that they must earn sex with their wives. The Scriptures tell men they must confront this sinful behavior. A man does not have to earn that which is owed to him by his wife in marriage. ...
A father’s delight. Abigail was described as educated and beautiful, and she married a guy named Nabal, who was ungrateful to King David. She attempted to pacify the two men and urged King David not to provoke violence by reassuring him that God would reward him with an everlasting king...
Among the pupils were four or five young men, who are now employed as native helpers, and three girls, all of whom became church members, and two of whom are wives of two of the native helpers. There are at present a training-school for native helpers, and a small boarding-school for...
Those who resort to violence rather than Godliness are not to be admired. There are many similarities between David and Joab. Both were skilled at killing men, and both had killed many men. Were they both men of violence? Here is the difference: David, first and foremost, sought the Lord...
The Old Testament's Elijah was awho could. When he died, he was taken to heaven in a horse-drawn chariot of fire, as described in the. The name was used in the Middle Ages, died out, and was later brought back into use by the Puritans. Variations includeEliasandIlya. ...
The family leadership of men in marriage is discussed in 1 Peter 3:1 and Ephesians 5:22–33 with this caveat: 25 “Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, … 28 In the same way husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. He who...