phileo, and agape. Eros is a passionate love: a love between a romantic couple. This is where we get the word erotic. Phileo is a brotherly love: a close bond between friends and siblings. And agape is a self-sacrificing love. This love sort of transcends the other forms. That...
Naomi.This biblical name for girls has roots in both Hebrew and Japanese cultures. Naomi comes from the Hebrew word for “pleasantness,” and its Japanese roots bring several other meanings to it, namely “beautiful.” Some contemporary Naomis you may have heard of include supermodel Naomi Cam...
you can discern how the assumptions of death have influenced the arguments of my friend rather than starting instead with the eternal word of God.
The word doubtless includes both meanings — "pseudo-Christ" as well as "opposed to Christ," much as "anti-pope" implies both rivalry and antagonism. According to Bishop Hurd, it signifies "a person of power actuated with a spirit opposite to that of Christ." For, to adopt the ...
The relevant meanings of syndicate are defined as “a group of persons or concerns who combine to carry out a particular transaction or project; [and] a loose association of racketeers in control of organized crime….” The relevant meaning of alien as an adjective is, “relating, belonging,...
A Biblical Study of the Theological Foundation of “Christian Hedonism” Written by: Craig W. Booth Preface This paper is a biblical examination of the modern philosophy entitled “Christian Hedonism”.No ill intent is willed upon any practitioner or author of this philosophy. ...
The word Apostasy may have 2 different meanings. The first is to fall away from the faith. In our world today, many are turning to a new age faith that vilifies belief in salvation through Christ, and changes the Word of God to fit an inclusive, creedless, self-gratifying religion that...
The relevant meanings of syndicate are defined as “a group of persons or concerns who combine to carry out a particular transaction or project; [and] a loose association of racketeers in control of organized crime….” The relevant meaning of alien as an adjective is, “relating, belonging,...
— The redeeming work of Christ, in its several aspects, is denoted in Scripture by various terms, namely, reconciliation, propitiation, expiation, atonement, redemption, satisfaction, substitution, and salvation. The following summary of the uses and meanings of these terms is taken, with slight ...
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