Precious stones will lavishly adorn the walls of Jerusalem. “The foundations of the wall of the city were adorned with all kinds of precious stones: the first foundation was jasper, the second sapphire, the third chalcedony, the fourth emerald, the fifth sardonyx, the sixth sardius, the ...
light of nature. Aristotle being asked, how we ought to carry ourselves to our friends, answeredF15, as we would wish they would carry it to us. Alexander Severus, a Heathen emperor, so greatly admired this rule of Christ's, that he ordered it to be written on the walls of his ...
Archaeologists with Azusa Pacific University in California have announced the discovery of a nearly 3,000-year-old broken jar bearing the inscription “lbnayo,” meaning “belonging to Benaiyo.” The name is the equivalent of the biblical Beniah, meaning “Yahweh has... ...
The heavy emphasis on biblical quotation as the last word of the novel suggests an orthodox Protestant veneration for applying the Word to find meaning in apparently random events and implies that Eliot grounds her novel on biblical narrative techniques and ethical assumptions. Eliot, though, is on...
Marui, meaning dark; Span. Moros), the original designation of the inhabitants of the ancient Mauritania or Morocco (q.v). The Arabs, who entered and conquered this country in the 7th century, denominated the native population Moghrebins, i.e., "Westerners," or "men of the West," but ...
(Researches, 3:373) of a Druse village, built on a hill which rises 200 feet above the level of the plain, and commands a noble view of the great basin of the Hlleh; it bears the name of Mutulleh or Metelleh, an Arabic word of the same meaning as Mizpah, and employed to ...
As I have stated at the top of this article, we have run into quite a few well-meaning Christians who simply did not have the basic 101 knowledge on this subject and as a result, they fell into some very heavy and dangerous dark side demonic waters. ...
Some things you may not know about the town? Quarrie Wood was used for hunting and the name comes from the word quarrel, meaning a bolt shot from a crossbow, rather than the more conventional meaning of the word quarry as a place for mining stone. ...
Of course, this does not make any sense, but this is what the guru, John Walton, would have us believe from p50 of his book The Lost World of Genesis, where he says: “the meaning of the repeated formula ‘it was good’, which I propose refers to functioning properly…functional readi...
The tradition of Jowett still dominated the study of ancient philosophy when I was reading Greats. One was brought up to believer that the real meaning of Plato had been misunderstood by Aristotle and wildly travestied by the neo-Platonists, only to be recovered by the moderns. When recovered...