Spiritual Meaning of Snakes in Dreams You will see in this section a slew of different symbolic meanings for snakes, with Biblical references. Temptation and Sin– Genesis 3, Number 21* (see below). This is the account of how the crafty serpent tempted Adam and Eve, which led to the fall...
Discover the meaning of your dreams, its symbolism, and interpretation. Learn how to decode the messages in your dreams and gain insight into your subconscious mind with What Dream Means.
A mother was walking by her eight-year-old son's room when she spied him preaching from the Bible to their cat. She smiled and went on her way until shortly she heard a screeching coming from the porch. She hurried there to see her son trying to dunk the cat in a bucket of water...
This thinking has also led to the idea that the decisions of judges regarding the meaning of state and national constitutions carry more weight and importance than the actual words of these constitutions. In other words, the opinions of judges, concerning the legal meaning state and national const...
“he is not here and he is okay.” I remembered the vision of him walking in front of my bed. The wind was pushing me to my car, it was so hard. When I got in car the door slammed shut and the wind stopped. The Lord said “Never return to this site.” To this day I have...
Calendars are powerful political, religious and social tools. Their symbolism incorporates spiritual, temporal, cosmological, celestial, numerical and agricultural truths, often in the guise of cultural myth. The authority ancient kings, carried througho
in her books. In addition to fiction, Marilyn is a contributor to Guideposts’ Walking in Grace and other anthologies. She and her husband are lighthouse enthusiasts, have visited over 100 lighthouses, and served as volunteer lighthouse caretakers at Little River Light off the coast of Maine...
(I did also readBring Up the Bodieswhich I’d been meaning to read for about 8 years.) Incidentally, we had a lovely time but I got about 200 mosquito bites (more blood drawn!) while my husband got zero. Does every married couple have a mosquito-immune and a very-much-not-immune ...
Walking in God’s path for your life brings riches and honor. This means riches in everything, not just material wealth. He leads you into righteousness, and when you follow His lead you will havedurableriches as well. Durable Riches-Wealth that is gotten in righteous ways is lasting wealth...