Upon the whole, the true meaning of the words κἀγώ οὐκ ῆδειναὐτόν would seem to be as follows: And I, even I, though standing in so near a relation to him, both personally and ministerially, had no assured knowledge of him as the Messiah. I did not ...
Nevertheless, just as the word “Trinity” does not appear in the Bible, the idea of these terms is inherent in the whole Scriptures to an overwhelming degree. The meaning of missions is to send believers off to propagate their faith, which is one of the major themes in the Word of God...
The meaning is clear. The garden was a temple for God. Like the temple, the garden was the joining together of God’s space and man’s space—the intersection of the heavenly realm and the earthly realm. For this reason, Isaiah called it ‘the garden of the Lord,’ and Ezekiel called...
The meaning of the Hebrew word (*H7812 shachah) to bow down, is to depress, prostrate oneself (in homage to royalty or God), to bow oneself down, to humbly beseech, worship or to do obeisance.7 This word is used as indicated in verses 7, 9 & 10 above, in reference not only to...
What an interpretation of its meaning!" (Maurice, Prophets and Kings, page 136). Not in the persecutions of Ahab and Jezebel, nor in the slaughter of the prophets of Baal, but in the 7000 unknown worshippers who had not bowed the knee to Baal, was the assurance that Elijah was not ...
The Greek word is “hilasterion” which means appeasing or expiating. Another meaning for the word propitiation can also be mercy-seat. Paul when writing to the Romans expounded on why the wrath of God would fall on all of mankind who suppress the truth in unrighteousness.He also makes th...
The Institutes of Biblical Lawhas as its purpose a reversal of the present trend. It is called "Institutes" in the older meaning of that word, i.e., fundamental principles, here of law, because it is intended as a beginning, as an instituting consideration of that law which must govern...
We never see any verse that says, “Craig, you were born for this purpose…”Likewise, no passage ever begins, “The meaning of life is…”And there is no scripture that starts with the phrase, “The chief end of man is…”Why does not God just answer this question for us directly ...
But while comparison is thus the general meaning of the word before us, it has acquired a special sense in distinction from those other words, similitude, metaphor, allegory, fable, etc., which also imply comparison. Let us endeavor to distinguish it from these. ...
e. in contiguous properties, as the rabbinical law explains it according to the meaning of the phrase שהת יחדיו in Ge 13:6; Ge 36:7, and elsewhere. If the brothers lived far away, or if the deceased had no brothers at all, it was an understood thing that it ...