The nameJonathan is rooted in the Hebrew Yonatan, meaning "Yahweh has given." In the Old Testament, he and his father Saul died in battle with the Philistines. The name wasn't popular in the English-speaking world until after the Protestant Reformation. #31. Aaron (boys) Public Domain Pic...
The name meaning is sad, but Leah remains a powerful figure in biblical accounts. Leah had a sad story as the unloved wife of Jacob, who preferred her younger sister, Rachel. According to the Old Testament, Jacob loved Rachel but was tricked by his father-in-law into marrying Leah, the...
The nameJonathan is rooted in the Hebrew Yonatan, meaning "Yahweh has given." In the Old Testament, he and his father Saul died in battle with the Philistines. The name wasn't popular in the English-speaking world until after the Protestant Reformation. #31. Aaron (boys) Public Domain Pic...
the branch of theology that specializes in interpretation, or exegesis, of Biblical literature. Historically, exegetes have recognized four levels of meaning in the Bible: the historical or literal, the allegorical, the moral, and the anagogical or mystical, putting emphasis on the necessity of ...
The Old Testament's Elijah was aHebrew prophet in the ninth century B.C.who couldperform miracles. When he died, he was taken to heaven in a horse-drawn chariot of fire, as described in theSecond Book of Kings. The name was used in the Middle Ages, died out, and was later brought...
Related:Unique boy names for parents searching for baby names with meaning “A handful of New Testament names like John, James, Mary and Elizabeth dominated for centuries,” Wattenberg, founder of the websiteNamerology, explained. “In the mid-late 20th century, Old Testament names like Deborah...
But all three mentions of demons seem to treat “demon” as meaning “idol” or “false god” – they’re all mentioned in the context of condemning those who sacrifice to them. Note that Leviticus does say “goat demons”, which might have something to do with the modern image of the...
by the suitable term Χριστός, which becomes so illustrious in the N.T. as the official designation of the Holy Saviour. It is a verbal noun (see Simonis Arcanum Form. Hebr. Ling. p. 92 sq.), derived from מָשִׁח, and has much the same meaning as the ...
Of course, Nimrod's other claim to fame was as a hunter, and so the word nimrod also very quickly came to be used of avid hunters. But how did we jump from hunting to fools? We're not entirely sure. Some etymologists ascribe the origin of the "fool" meaning to Bugs Bunny, who...
Finally, we must be careful not to treat those who support homosexuality or transgenderism as rejected by God. Meaning, therefore, that we cannot reject them. We do not have to approve what they do or stand for. In fact, we cannot approve what they do or stand for. But we must always...