the branch of theology that specializes in interpretation, or exegesis, of Biblical literature. Historically, exegetes have recognized four levels of meaning in the Bible: the historical or literal, the allegorical, the moral, and the anagogical or mystical, putting emphasis on the necessity of ...
Derivation of the botanical name: Lilium, Latin li, white; +lium, flower; Greek leirion, the name applied to the eastern Mediterranean Lilium candidum (candidum, meaning shining or pure white.) The Hebrew word Shoshan (shushan) from Aramaic: shoshanta, שושנתא (rose); Arabi...
and Hoph. in the signification of to tell). The original meaning of this root is to rise, to become conspicuous, visible, to be in front (comp. נֶגֶד), pacesto, vorstehen, to lead, to be first (compare Germ. Fürst=prince). The noun נָגִיד therefore...
841. Unfortunately the 25th Mesori of that year was 10th March. This is the only monumental notice supposed to refer to an eclipse: not worth much at the best; the record, even if its meaning were certain, is not contemporary.
e. in contiguous properties, as the rabbinical law explains it according to the meaning of the phrase שהת יחדיו in Ge 13:6; Ge 36:7, and elsewhere. If the brothers lived far away, or if the deceased had no brothers at all, it was an understood thing that it ...
et hodie vocatur Maximianopolis in Campo Mageddon." Ar-Mageddon may be for עִר מגַדּו, that is, "the city of Megiddo;" or if we regard the aspirated ap as equivalent to the Hebrew הִר, then the meaning will be "mountain of Megiddo," which would ...
The exact meaning of κεχαριτωμένη is "thou that hast had bestowed upon thee a free gift of grace." The A.V. rendering of "highly favored" is therefore very exact, and much nearer to the original than the "gratia plena" of the Vulgate, on which a huge and wholly ...
The name of the latter place, indeed, is derived from the Phoenician word fish (see Gesenius, s.v. צִידוֹן, Sidon: the modern name has the same meaning, Saida; Abulfar. Syria, p. 93. SEE SIDON), and it is the oldest fishing establishment for commercial purposes ...
gives them, "Hebrew midwives;" and that had Moses intended to convey the other meaning, he would have written לִמ אֶת הִע, reason will be found for preferring the opinion that they were Hebrew women. ⇒Bible concordance for PUAH. 3. (Heb. Pu'ah, פּ...
Its tone is more confident, its pretensions loftier, and its indications more unmeaning. These thousand prophecies constituted only a part of the oracular calculations of Nostradamus. He refers to fuller declarations in his "other prophecies, written in soluta oratione," or prose. These prose ...