Abigail is a name that is similarly of Hebrew origin much like Mary is, but it’s one with a wholly different meaning to it. Your husbands might like this one because the meaning of the name Abigail is a father’s joy – you may just end up with a daughter who prefers her dad more...
In the Dead Sea Scrolls, the meaning of the words “Holy Spirit” (spirit of holiness) varies as well, from a lifelong presence within a person that sin defiles to the spirit of holiness that cleanses new members of the community. While in the New Testament the expression “Holy Spirit”...
Trying to understand why this occurs provides a portal into the meaning of suicide for a person. Crucial to this question is an examination of any suicide notes that are left behind. They are sometimes quite hostile and designed to hurt people whom the suicide thinks have wronged him/her. ...
Dream About Birds Meaning Birds are wonderful creatures. They are created to beautify our world. They are usually flying to stabilize our environment, ecosystem and our lives. Birds are one of the most common dreams especially among women. If the bird is not attacking them, the bird must appe...
The etymology of the name, from a word meaning "to vomit," leads also to the same conclusion, for it doubtless has reference to the habit which this bird has of pressing its under mandible against its breast, in order to assist it to disgorge the contents of its capacious pouch for its...
The elementary school here was also the one time in my life that I’ve ever said the n-word. During a 4th grade discussion of a book we’d read for class which took place in the rural south shortly after the Civil War, I wanted to know the meaning of the one word I hadn’t und...
Many scholars have devoted their works to uncovering the hidden meaning of these symbols. Here are a few of the symbols you might look for to give you clues to the story behind the story in Biblical tapestries and paintings. Tudor Rose The Tudor Rose is a five-petaled in red and white....
If this distinction be correct, the meaning attached to nâham will give force to Pr 19:12. The terms which describe the movements of the animal are equally distinct: רָבִוֹ, râbats' (Genesis 49:9; Eze 19:2), is applied to the crouching of the lion, as well as...
Our dictionary is not organized according to alphabet but rather according to similarity of form. For instance: we list the word דם (dam) meaning blood in the same general article as the word אדם ('adom) meaning red, even though these words are generally considered to stem fro...
9 Learn to Read Biblical Hebrew Through the process of Hebraic studies, you will want to dig deeper into the meaning of specific words and phrases. At this point the purchase of a Hebrew Bible and a Hebrew Lexicon will be helpful. There are several different kinds of Hebrew Bibles. The ...