Bible as the name of a place and also of three men, which, however, are represented by two essentially different Hebrew words. SEE BETH-HARAN. 1. HARAN (Heb. Haran', הָרָן, mountaineer; Sept. αῤῥαν), probably the eldest son of Terah, brother of Abraham and ...
The great challenge that has been thrown in the face of God’s people has been the physical enormity of the worldwide flood. All people are amazed by the magnitude of the worldwide flood; the whole world being immersed in water, causing most to miss the important log of time preserved by...
We ask at this stage of the subject, what was the meaning of pagan offerings? As they understood their religious rites, the unbloody were expressions of gratitude and acknowledgment for protection. Whatever the form of offering was, the god was conceived of as being pleased with them. How ...
Trying to understand why this occurs provides a portal into the meaning of suicide for a person. Crucial to this question is an examination of any suicide notes that are left behind. They are sometimes quite hostile and designed to hurt people whom the suicide thinks have wronged him/her. ...
(2) The Aramaic—the colloquial language, the language of common life. He would necessarily know the second, not necessarily know the first. The Hebrew of the New Testament is Aramaic. This is the meaning of 'Efipaiarl in such passages as John...
31 They continued to use the idol Micah had made, all the time the house of God was in Shiloh. Footnotes Judges 18:7 The meaning of the Hebrew for this clause is uncertain. Judges 18:7 Hebrew; some Septuagint manuscripts with the Arameans Judges 18:12 Mahaneh D...
Indeed, if anything is to be inferred from the meaning of the name Adam, it would go to make him the parent, not of the Caucasian, but of the copper-colored or Tartar tribes. — ED. To those who think the language of the Bible contemplates Adam as "the first being who could be ...
Still the distinction and preservation of the chosen family, and the maintenance of the paternal authority, are the special purposes, which give a key to the meaning of the history, and of the institutions recorded. For this the birthright (probably carrying with it the priesthood) was reserved...
150). The origin of the tradition is not known; but it may probably have been suggested by the meaning of the supposed root in Arabic and the Arammean dialects, just as another signification of the same root seems to have suggested the tradition that the daughters of Cain were the first ...
The word probably denotes the peculiar fertility of the soil; by the ancient versions, instead of using it as a proper name, a word meaning fruitful or fat is adopted. Thus, in Ps 22:13, for Bashan, we find in Sept. πίονες; Aquila, λιπαροί; Symmachus, σιτ...