inthesourceofthenamesoftheallusionsare many,someplaceshaveaprofoundculturalbackgroundandrich culturalconnotation,becauseofitsspecialbackgroundandhas Themeaningofaneverforgetthingsinpeople'smemory,and leftanindeliblemarkinenglish.Mostofthesemantictoponymy phrasesfromliterallanguage Themeaningofwordforwordtranslation,...
Is God trying to intentionally deceive us by using words that have a different meaning than what their plain meaning is? Isn't this a basic rule of hermeneutics? The literal meaning is the first meaning used unless context declares otherwise. Don't you have to redefine "destroy" in every ...
The symbolical meaning of Philo's Paraclete was elevated by the reference to the historical Christ as the only high-priest. Thus the Alexandrian ideas formed a bridge to Christianity. But we cannot regard the doctrine of a union of the Logos with humanity, in all the forms under which it ...
Petaviu as are many other passages in Epiphanius) thus: 'Sed solum, inquit Paulus, adveniens verbum, totum illud administravit, et ad patrem revertit.' The true meaning of the passage is: The divine Reason came (to the man Christ, long after his birth, and when in mature life), ...