plan of salvationthrough Jesus (Yeshua, meaningGod saves) is revealed in the Holy Bible. This plan is so simple that even a child can repent and believe in Jesus, yet it is also so profound that nootherway is sufficient enough to obtain salvation from sin, death, and the wrath of God...
We may theoretically distinguish pantheism and atheism from each other, but the man who can look around him and say that the universe is God, or that he himself is an incarnation of God, a finite particle of the Infinite Being, makes assertions tantamounth in meaning to the statement that...
— We need not wonder, accordingly, to find that this is the predominant meaning of the word as it appears in the N.T. The noun, and the verb derived from it (μαγεία and μαγεύω), are used by Luke in describing the impostor, who is therefore known distinctively as...
This explains everything and gives meaning to life. - Albert Einstein Education without values, as useful as it is, seems rather to just make man a more clever devil. -CS Lewis I believe in Christianity, as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because ...
We never see any verse that says, “Craig, you were born for this purpose…”Likewise, no passage ever begins, “The meaning of life is…”And there is no scripture that starts with the phrase, “The chief end of man is…”Why does not God just answer this question for us directly ...
Watch the video to learn the “they” forms of the YIQTOL conjugation. We’ll also learn how to say “what” in Hebrew. Lesson 47** Watch the video to review all the YIQTOL forms of the verb meaning “to reign.” We’ll also practice saying them using the example root letters. *...
Is God trying to intentionally deceive us by using words that have a different meaning than what their plain meaning is? Isn't this a basic rule of hermeneutics? The literal meaning is the first meaning used unless context declares otherwise. Don't you have to redefine "destroy" in every ...
There are multitudes of Believers, however, who are NOT going back to Scripture, to test the validity of what they are seeing and hearing. Indeed, some are merely relying on their leaders to lead them and guide them into all Truth, a task strictly reserved for the Holy Spirit. The result...
As you will notice, all the child roots are related in meaning to each other and the parent root. Since approximately 80% of the Hebrew words in the Bible are a parent or child root or a word derived from these roots, it is relatively easy to find the meaning of a word based on ...
” In 1999 , Dr. Michael Molnar , a Christian astronomer, published “The Star of Bethlehem – The Legacy of the Magi.” H is findings included the meaning behind the “Ram and Star” coins from Antioch along with the most likely “ heavenly alignment” constituting the “Star of Bethlehem...