1. It is sometimes used to denote the meaning of a symbolical representation, whether addressed to the mind by a parable, allegory, etc., or to the eye by a vision, etc. Thus our Lord, having delivered to the multitude the parable of the sower (Mt 13:3-9), when the disciples ...
But this fruit is not a berry, but an apple, of the size of the closed hand; nor does the colocynth shoot up among the grain. Michaelis (Fragm. etc., p. 145) would understand the hyoscyamus or the darmnel (Lolium temulentum). (But see Oedmann. ut stp. p. 85.) This meaning ...
(Meaning; people are not predestined to be saved or damned from the foundation of the world.) Apparently God has not yet decided which season of the year the flight in question will take place, because Jesus asks us to pray about it. This is evidence that all things are not written in ...
* Numismatic Note: This coin circulated around the time of the birth of Jesus Christ. It is from the area far east in the Indo-Scythian Kingdom in Northern India. This type of coin could have been carried by the Magii that went to see Jesus from the east. Gold, frankincense, and myrr...