from childhood, through adolescence, and through college days as a young adult. We never lost sight of the real meaning of Christmas. And no one, that I can remember, ever behaved like a Scrooge or a Grinch that stole the heartbeat of Christmas, which was always about the birth of Jesus...
Quails form a subdivision of theTetraonidae, or grouse family, being distinguished from partridges by their smaller size, finer bill. shorter tail, and the want of a red naked eyebrow and of spurs on the legs. There are several species, whereof the common, now distinguished by the name of...
Buy It Now The pain and challenges in the adjustments of missionary kids are real. Jeanne Harrison has been there and communicates with a sensitivity and relevance that will speak to current MKs as well as adult former MKs who are still suffering from their experiences. A journey of discipleshi...
This lends a double meaning to Isaiah’s prophecy. It is already a shame to Israel that her disapora cannot hear God in Hebrew. On top of this, it is a further shame that the proclamation of Messiah’s reign is being made week to week in Greek but they do not respond. What Paul r...
As you will notice, all the child roots are related in meaning to each other and the parent root. Since approximately 80% of the Hebrew words in the Bible are a parent or child root or a word derived from these roots, it is relatively easy to find the meaning of a word based on ...
6 qu. 3). Thus a definite meaning is given to the vague teaching of the council: there is a purgatorial fire, and the souls of the faithful are punished for a defined period till their sins are expiated. The almost universal belief prevailing among Roman Catholicsthough they do not ...
Anarchismcomes from two Greek words meaning "not" an "archist." An "archist" is someone who believes he has the right to impose his own will on other people by force or threats of violence. Jesus, the Prince of Peace, isthe only legitimate Archistin the universe. That claim, of course...
When we have made our focus on worship about the style of music, we have lost the real meaning of worship. Our worship should not be dictated by the style of music we like or dislike. Our worship should be dictated by what we believe. Our worship should be directed toward God, not ou...
"For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men." -- Titus 2:11 Biblical Steps to Salvation God's wonderful plan of salvation through Jesus (Yeshua, meaning God saves) is revealed in the Holy Bible. This plan is so simple that even a child can repent and ...
We would be recognized by some of these generic termsas we understand their meaning to be Scripturally founded: We are: ‘Trinitarian’ in our Theology (We acceptthatYHWH(the Godhead) has three distinguished functionary persons: Father, Word- Son and Spirit all of which are Eternal.) ...