Define Biblical exegete. Biblical exegete synonyms, Biblical exegete pronunciation, Biblical exegete translation, English dictionary definition of Biblical exegete. n. pl. ex·e·ge·ses Critical explanation or analysis, especially of a text. ex′e·get
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a method of interpreting biblical literature emphasizing the moral implications of the tropes, or figures of speech, used in its composition. —tropological,adj. typology the analysis of symbolism, especially of the meaning of Scripture types. —typologist,n.—typological,adj. ...
My father was a preacher for the churches of Christ, and the churches of Christ claimed to be non-denominational. I am this day a preacher for the churches of Christ, and I maintain that I am preaching for the church authorized by the Lord and about which we read in the New Testament....
This brief lexicon can even be used instead of the Brown-Driver Briggs Lexicon in most cases when anyone desires a quick reference to the grammatical construction and the meaning of a word. For the fact is, this lexicon is an abbreviated edition of the Brown-Driver Briggs Lexicon, most of ...
The meaning of missions is to send believers off to propagate their faith, which is one of the major themes in the Word of God. From the biblical perspective, this missiological expression could refer to both missionary endeavor in another geographical region or to another cultural group. The ...
I drew this picture maybe two or three years ago. It deals with how the church sometimes translated the Bible in such a way that the (egalitarian) meaning of the text does not come through, and then church members pointed to those translations to “prove” their point. ...
9:41— VANHOOZER: We must be right-minded and right-hearted readers. This is a Spirit-given kind of literacy. We must be passionate truth seekers, and if necessary, truth sufferers. 9:40— VANHOOZER: Well-versed inerrantists look for the speech-act meaning of the sentence. One must ...
The sacraments likewise may, no doubt, lawfully be administered by a lay unordained person, or even by a woman, in case of emergency or private celebration; but, for the sake of propriety and system, they should be a matter of Church order, and this is the meaning of the term "...
Hedonism is an evil moral ethic. “Without hedonism, there would be no point or meaning to our moral decisions” (Joe Barnhart inThe Warren-Barnhart Debate on Christian Ethics versus Utilitarian Ethics, November 5, 1980, Denton, Texas). ...