of God). The Lord gives to each one of His sons and daughters the responsibility to share that experiential peace with others, to be the “peacemakers” that Jesus talked about in the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:9), helping fellow humans find peace with God and the peace of God. ...
Stargate AI: The Deeper and More Mysterious Meaning. The Secret History of JD Vance. Captain Rebecca Lobach becomes the first female helicopter pilot to fly direct into a commercial airliner killing everyone on board.Lobach had worked as a White House aide during the Biden administration… ...
Such Christians use nice clothing, verse copy-pasting and the phrase “born again” in ignorance as a mask and fill in for actually loving and obeying God and in place of desiring to truly understand his word, that includes the meaning of “born again”, which they seem to think is ...
Is actively living this out in our world, vs. 9-12. As we are on display we become peacemakers by introducing others to the One who made peace with God, and yet we can be persecuted for shining light in the darkness. Seek the blessed life today as you encounter these words of Jesus...