The meaning of a Bible in a dream often depends on one’s religious upbringing. Can indicate insight (revealed knowledge), “good news,” tradition, or even intolerance (“Bible thumpers”). The Bible is often used metaphorically to describe authoritative publications in other realms, as in th...
The Old Testament's Elijah was aHebrew prophet in the ninth century B.C.who couldperform miracles. When he died, he was taken to heaven in a horse-drawn chariot of fire, as described in theSecond Book of Kings. The name was used in the Middle Ages, died out, and was later brought...
Meaning: "woman from Lydia" Description: Lydia is one of the first place names, after an area of Asia Minor whose inhabitants are credited with strong musical talent great wealth. Always among the US Top 1000 girl names, Lydia is a quietly fashionable classic. ...
In the West, "13" is considered an unlucky number, the reason is related to the biblical story of Jesus was his thirteenth disciple Judas betrayed. In Western countries, people often avoid using the "13". In traditional Chinese culture, the number "13" there is no such cultural meaning. ...
reflecting the lion of God in its meaning. Its biblical roots possibly connect to the messenger of Ezra or to the very symbolic name of Jerusalem. Due to the premiere of The Little Mermaid in the late 1980s, its popularity reached an all-time high of number 70, despite having no biblical...
Spiritual Meaning of Snakes in Dreams You will see in this section a slew of different symbolic meanings for snakes, with Biblical references. Temptation and Sin– Genesis 3, Number 21* (see below). This is the account of how the crafty serpent tempted Adam and Eve, which led to the fall...
606 Spiritual Meaning 606 Angel Number: Love 606 Angel Number Twin Flame Why do I keep seeing 606? Biblical Meaning of 606 606 Numerology 606 Repeating 606 Angel Number Angel Number 606 breaks down into two 6s and one 0. Six relates to matters of home, family, and domestic conce...
at the Well in John 4, and why Jesus' conversation with her took place when and where it did. It treats the scholion as a test case to see whether, how, and to what extent it further enlightens the reader as to the meaning of Maximus's initial commentary, as he says it should. ...
This article is part of our larger resource library of terms important to the Christian faith. From heaven and hell to baptism and communion, we want to provide easy to read and understand articles that answer your questions about theological words and their meaning. ...
In the books of the Apocrypha, the word, as in those of the Old Test., retains its general meaning, and is not used specifically for any recognized place of worship. For this the received phrase seems to be τόπος προσευχῆς (1 Macc. 3, 46; 3 Macc. 7:20)....