Amram – Name meaning “exalted nation” Eli – Hebrew name that comes from “aly” (high). The biblical Eli was a high priest and the last judge of Israel. He trained the prophet, Samuel. Genesis –Gender-neutral namewithGreekand Hebrew origins; name means “origin” or “birth” ...
of Biblical literature. Historically, exegetes have recognized four levels of meaning in the Bible: the historical or literal, the allegorical, the moral, and the anagogical or mystical, putting emphasis on the necessity of a foundation for the latter three in the literal sense. —exegete,n....
This biblical girl’s name appears in the New Testament, and it is the Greek form of an old Hebrew moniker with a similar sound. The meaning is “fruitful, increasing,” giving it a name that holds a lot of potentials. Aphi and Fia are both charming nicknames for little girls. 5. Ab...
Rebekah drew and fetched water; Rachel kept sheep, as did the daughters of Jethro, though he was a priest, or a prince, of Midian. They superintended and performed domestic services for the family; Tamar, though a king's daughter, baked bread; and the same of others. We have the same...
or with the "rulers of thousands," a kind of magistrates selected by Moses, on the advice of Jethro, for the purpose of judging the smaller matters during the sojourn of the Israelites in the desert; and who were, at a later period, superseded by the regular institution of the judges. ...
1. The Legal or Halachic Exegesis.— The object of this branch of exposition is to ascertain, by analogy, combination, or otherwise, the meaning of the law respecting exceptional cases about which there is no direct enactment in the Mosaic code, as it was the only rule of practice in the...