2. The name Jerusalem first occurs in Jos 10:1, where Adonizedek (q.v.), king of Jerusalem, is mentioned as having entered into an alliance with other kings against Joshua, by whom they were all overcome (comp. Jos 12:10). B.C. 1618. SEE JOSHUA. In drawing the northern border ...
He foretold the fall of Jerusalem. Hosea: A minor prophet with a pretty major message, Hosea prophesied about the destruction of Israel. The name means “salvation” in Hebrew. Isaac: God promised Abraham and Sarah that she would be the “mother of nations,” but they were doubtful because...
You may also like:Most popular baby names of every decade You may also like:Unique baby names from the year you were born 在网络上 Stop Information Overload Ethereal Search Engine Get Dog Food Designed for Your Dog's Health & Happiness ...
‘The Lord also will be a refuge for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble. And they that know Your name will put their trust in You: for You, Lord, have not forsaken them that seek You’ (Psalm 9:9-10).”—David Wilkerson “… this inscription from Jerusalem may signal ...
1. Of God.— The New Jerusalem Church maintains the strictly personal unity of God: one will, one understanding, one operating energy or producing power. Only prominent ideas can be given in so brief a sketch as the present. The infinite, eternal Being, Jehovah, the Lord, is essential ...
reflecting the lion of God in its meaning. Its biblical roots possibly connect to the messenger of Ezra or to the very symbolic name of Jerusalem. Due to the premiere of The Little Mermaid in the late 1980s, its popularity reached an all-time high of number 70, despite having no biblical...
Cyril of Jerusalem "The Devil endeavors by every means to keep men in error, in the enticement of the passions, in darkness of mind and heart; in pride, avarice, covetousness, envy, hatred, wicked impatience and irritation; in evil despondence, in the abominations of fornication, adultery,...
3The New Jerusalem The dimensions and description given of the New Jerusalem in the Bible’s Book of Revelation have multiples of the number 12. The wall of the city has 12 foundations and the names of the 12 apostles. The city measured 12,000 furlongs and the wall was 144 cubits, whic...
. The way to the Tree of Life is opened once again. The final chapter of the Bible pictures the tree now standing in the New Jerusalem, "come down from heaven as a bride prepared for her bridegroom... and the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations. No longer will ...
of Biblical literature. Historically, exegetes have recognized four levels of meaning in the Bible: the historical or literal, the allegorical, the moral, and the anagogical or mystical, putting emphasis on the necessity of a foundation for the latter three in the literal sense. —exegete,n....