a method of interpreting biblical literature emphasizing the moral implications of the tropes, or figures of speech, used in its composition. —tropological,adj. typology the analysis of symbolism, especially of the meaning of Scripture types. —typologist,n.—typological,adj. ...
What the precise meaning of this ambiguous phrase is, and what, according to the Mosaic gamology, gives a husband the right to divorce his wife, has been greatly disputed in the schools of Shammai and Hillel, which were founded before the advent of Christ, and these discussions are given ...
and Hoph. in the signification of to tell). The original meaning of this root is to rise, to become conspicuous, visible, to be in front (comp. נֶגֶד), pacesto, vorstehen, to lead, to be first (compare Germ. Fürst=prince). The noun נָגִיד therefore...
the story show dependence upon the ancient Egyptian “Tale of Two Brothers,” but in characteristically Hebraic fashion, the narrator in Genesis has ignored the mythical and magical motifs in the Egyptian tale, and the focus of the outcome is placed on its meaning for the whole house of ...
Exodus 4:25 The meaning of the Hebrew for this clause is uncertain. Exodus 6:3 Hebrew El-Shaddai Exodus 6:3 See note at 3:15. Exodus 6:12 Hebrew I am uncircumcised of lips; also in verse 30 Exodus 6:14 The Hebrew for families here and in verse 25 refers to ...
Phua.) The father of Tola, who was of the tribe of Issachar, and judge of Israel after Abimelech (Jg 10:1). B.C. ante 1319. In the Vulg. instead of "the son of Dodo," he is called "the uncle of Abimelech;" and in the Sept. Tola is said to be "the son of Phua, the...
Its tone is more confident, its pretensions loftier, and its indications more unmeaning. These thousand prophecies constituted only a part of the oracular calculations of Nostradamus. He refers to fuller declarations in his "other prophecies, written in soluta oratione," or prose. These prose ...
Manetho (Μανεθών or Μανεθώς), OF SEBENNYTUS, a distinguished Egyptian historian, a native of Diospolis, according to some, or of Mende or Heliopolis, according to others, is said to have lived in the time of Ptolemy Philadelphus, and to have been a man of great...
Mageddon), a town belonging to Manasseh (Jg 1:27), although at first within the boundaries of Issachar (Jos 17:11), and commanding one of those passes fr om the north into the hill-country which were of such critical importance on various occasions in the history of Judah (Judith 4:7...
צִידוֹן, Sidon: the modern name has the same meaning, Saida; Abulfar. Syria, p. 93. SEE SIDON), and it is the oldest fishing establishment for commercial purposes known in history. The Hebrews had a less perfect acquaintance with the species found in the Red Sea, ...