Chapter of Revelations,Chesed,Chochmah,Chosen One,Christain Zionism,Christian Zionists,Christos Templars,Cloned Versions,Clones,Clones in the Matrix,Cloning,Cloning Facilities,Collective Consciousness,Collective Consciousness Fields,Collective
but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet; for the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we shall all be changed. For this perishable must put on the imperishable, and this mortal must put on immortality....
We ask at this stage of the subject, what was the meaning of pagan offerings? As they understood their religious rites, the unbloody were expressions of gratitude and acknowledgment for protection. Whatever the form of offering was, the god was conceived of as being pleased with them. How ...
Fourth, the meaning of the title “prophetic” changes, Schniedewind argues, to more of a government institution that Israelite refugees bring to Judah during the 8th century BCE, such that we now have comments like those in 1 Sam 9:9. In Chapter 7, Schniedewind considers how the nebulous...
We may theoretically distinguish pantheism and atheism from each other, but the man who can look around him and say that the universe is God, or that he himself is an incarnation of God, a finite particle of the Infinite Being, makes assertions tantamounth in meaning to the statement that...
“Jesus” is the Greek transliteration of the Hebrew name “Yeshua.” The meaning of the Hebrew name Yeshua is “Yahweh saves.” So the Child will be named “Yahweh saves.” But from what danger will Jesus save His people? “He (Jesus) will save His people from their sins.” We must...
Excellent treatment of the book’s historical setting, structure, genre, content, and meaning in the early 21st century. See pp. 133–156. Collins, John J. “Wisdom and Immortality.” In Jewish Wisdom in the Hellenistic Age. By John J. Collins, 178–221. Old Testament Library. Louisville...
When, in its last stage, Buddhism is driven to the assumption of an Adi, or primitive Buddha, as the creator of the universe, Nirvana, then meaning the absorption into him, ceases to have any real affinity with the original Buddhistic term" (Chambers). ...
the doctrine of the immortality of the soul. A playful specimen of this method is found in Plato'sGorgias,where he explains the perforated vessels of the Danaides to mean the souls of men whose desires are unbounded; administering supplies to the desires, yet never able to satisfy them. A ...
James Holmes was a moral relativist who targeted a movie theater in order to stress no motivations for his killings. He was killing to kill. His notebook describing his motivations is filled with questions on the meaning of good and evil and the value of life. Holmes has no social media ...