Silvanus meaning “forest” or “wood.” Silas was a biblical character in the New Testament and recognized as a leading member of the early Christian community. He accompanied the Apostle Paul on his second missionary journey. The name was also derived from Sylvanus, the Roman god of trees....
The Old Testament's Elijah was aHebrew prophet in the ninth century B.C.who couldperform miracles. When he died, he was taken to heaven in a horse-drawn chariot of fire, as described in theSecond Book of Kings. The name was used in the Middle Ages, died out, and was later brought...
91 percent of teens who say they’re “born again” make moral decisions by means other than God’s absolute truth; most say they use their “feelings.” But it’s a habit you can encourage, and one that might even help prevent media battles that arise when parents...
In the grand journey of faith, demanding perfect theology as a prerequisite for salvation is not only impractical but also counterproductive. Instead, let’s embrace the grace that God extends to us, meeting us where we are and guiding us patiently toward greater understanding. Our spiritual journ...
I drew this picture maybe two or three years ago. It deals with how the church sometimes translated the Bible in such a way that the (egalitarian) meaning of the text does not come through, and then church members pointed to those translations to “prove” their point. ...
The meaning is clear. The garden was a temple for God. Like the temple, the garden was the joining together of God’s space and man’s space—the intersection of the heavenly realm and the earthly realm. For this reason, Isaiah called it ‘the garden of the Lord,’ and Ezekiel called...
TheHebrew meaning of Isaacis "to laugh," based on the story in Genesis that Abraham laughed when God told him that he and his wife Sarah, both of whom were aged, would bear a son. Later,God tested Abraham's faithby telling him to sacrifice Isaac as a burnt offering, and Abraham was...
It makes no sense for God to do something which He told us is not of Him. The answer is found in the definition of 'love', and that the fact that Biblical love is NOT a warm, gooey feeling inside, meaning that our feelings can align with true love, but it is not the foundation...
TheHebrew meaning of Isaacis "to laugh," based on the story in Genesis that Abraham laughed when God told him that he and his wife Sarah, both of whom were aged, would bear a son. Later,God tested Abraham's faithby telling him to sacrifice Isaac as a burnt offering, and Abraham was...
But I will remain faithful to what Jesus said:“At the beginning of creation, God made them male and female” rather than what the old earthers think: that God made humans 13.8…I mean 27 billion years after the beginning of creation. God’s Word can be trusted completely Posted in crea...