First, try to get a good night's sleep . This is essential to allow the brain to dedicate itself to the wonderful mission of making you relax and giving you the chance to interpret the meaning of dreams. Second, when you wake up, avoid opening your eyes right away and try to remember...
Once the Body of real believers are raptured off the face of the earth, there will nothing left that will be able to stop the Antichrist from rising to full power. The rest of the world is going to be easily duped into believing in this man – especially with all of the false signs ...
For those who have heard the preaching of the cross and have seen something of the real meaning of that preaching, the way to forgiveness is in the name of the cross. In the name of a holiness which men would make their own, if they could; in the name of an ideal of holy love ...
"pertaining to the Bible," from Bible + -ical. Related: Biblically. An earlier adjective… See origin and meaning of biblical.
Some Christians, unwilling to accept the Biblical teaching that a husband is the master and owner of his wife, have tried to claim that since “ish”(meaning man) is used more often than “baal” to refer to a woman’s husband that this is how God wants a wife to see her husband, ...
Dream About Birds Symbolism And Meaning Dreams of birds represent imagination, intuition, angels, creativity, and a desire for freedom. Bird is associated with freedom, journey, peace, communication, spiritual connection, good luck, comapanion. ...
Also known as Ada, this name is of both Hebrew and Germanic origins, meaning to be adorned, to be happy, or to be noble. It has two mentions in the Holy Bible, both times in Genesis albeit as a background character. It’s better known for the first female computer programmer, Ada ...
It is no wonder, then, that the meaning of Plotinus should be often obscure and ambiguous, and that it should be declared by Marsilius Ficinus to be discoverable, not by sense or human reason, but only by a more sublime capacity of intelligence (Plotini. Opera. Exhort. ad Auditores, etc...
I. Meaning of the word. — Some maintain (e.g. Greswell) that Antichrist can mean only "false Christ," taking ἀντί in the sense of "instead." But this is undue refinement: ἀντί bears the sense of "against" as well as "instead of," both in classical and N.T. ...
As I have stated at the top of this article, we have run into quite a few well-meaning Christians who simply did not have the basic 101 knowledge on this subject and as a result, they fell into some very heavy and dangerous dark side demonic waters. ...