This is essential to allow the brain to dedicate itself to the wonderful mission of making you relax and giving you the chance to interpret the meaning of dreams. Second, when you wake up, avoid opening your eyes right away and try to remember as much of your dream as you can. The ...
As you will learn below, you will see how these dreams can open your eyes to areas you are struggling with and how you can pray. God will use these dreams to reveal what the enemy tries to do in our lives. These kinds of dreams help bring a level of awareness of what is going on...
In Biblical times, camels went through the eye of a needle because they were the unit of international trade. The very word גמל (gamal), meaning camel, comes from a verb that means to invest. ... continue reading → • The olive tree in the Bible is the tree of the anointi...
Learn to read and study Biblical Greek in just 30 minutes a day, letting God's word transform your heart and mind. Join the FREE Starter Course!
This beautiful, royal name, which literally translates as “crown,” was given to Jerahmeel’s wife in the Bible, making it an excellent choice for your little princess. 9. Adina A unisex name has profound Hebrew roots and the descriptive meaning of slim or delicate. It was a name given...
he reveals the meaning of their dreams. No doubt he saw that God had sent them those dreams for him to interpret; and that his connection with these men would work out the fulfilment of his own dreams. It is certain that what was foretold by their dreams would have occurred even if the...
Enough has now been said to show plainly that the theology of the true Mystics exhibits two distinct phases: a side towards earth, on which the legend on the medal is obscure and without meaning; and an obverse side, bright with the light of heaven; union with the Eternal through ...
At Ramah Samuel married; and two sons grew up to repeat, under his eyes, the same perversion of high office that he had himself witnessed in his childhood in the case of the two sons of Eli. One was Abiah, the other, Joel, sometimes called simply "the second" (vashni, 1Ch 6:28)...
"Jesus saith unto them, Did ye never read in the scriptures, The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner: this is the Lord's doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes?" - (Matt. 21:42). "Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye do err, not ...
plans for the summer itinerary, Maestro Milne regrets his promise to hosts the college students and especially seems to dislike McKay. How God uses what the Maestro sees as major inconveniences in his life to bring about change and a reckoning about life’s meaning is a wonderful thing to ...