labeling it Calvin’sextra, meaning, “outside of”–as if Christ’s divinity was sort of spilling out of him in a spatial sense (for more on theextra, see Paul Helm’s essay on ithere).
God also walked (hawlak) in the midst of the temple. The meaning is clear. The garden was a temple for God. Like the temple, the garden was the joining together of God’s space and man’s space—the intersection of the heavenly realm and the earthly realm. For this reason, Isaiah ...
The tradition of Jowett still dominated the study of ancient philosophy when I was reading Greats. One was brought up to believer that the real meaning of Plato had been misunderstood by Aristotle and wildly travestied by the neo-Platonists, only to be recovered by the moderns. When recovered...
For the reader to get the meaning necessitates that he come to the realization of this designed ambiguity (admixture of definite concepts) in the one expression. As we consider this writing technique in several verses, we will see that at times it is very simple to understand what the verse...
To deny this aspect of your daily life would literally be to deny your humanity. There would be something dramatically wrong with you if you removed yourself completely from other people. What this means is that the hurts of relationships cut deep. In a real way they touch the essence of ...
James Holmes was a moral relativist who targeted a movie theater in order to stress no motivations for his killings. He was killing to kill. His notebook describing his motivations is filled with questions on the meaning of good and evil and the value of life. Holmes has no social media ...
The meaning of the title angel in the opening chapters of the Apocalypse has been mystically explained by some, but its true meaning is clear, from the nomenclature of the Jewish synagogues. In them, we are told, the minister who ordinarily led the prayers of the congregation, besides ...
The Greek word is “hilasterion” which means appeasing or expiating. Another meaning for the word propitiation can also be mercy-seat. Paul when writing to the Romans expounded on why the wrath of God would fall on all of mankind who suppress the truth in unrighteousness.He also makes th...
THE END OF THE WORLD …and meaning less than nothing. That’s the real loss, here. Not only are fundamental pieces of people’s lives being bastardized, butnothing is being said in the process. Concepts that havechanged the face of the worldare reduced to a tired jumpscare, or a simpl...
“Jesus” is the Greek transliteration of the Hebrew name “Yeshua.” The meaning of the Hebrew name Yeshua is “Yahweh saves.” So the Child will be named “Yahweh saves.” But from what danger will Jesus save His people? “He (Jesus) will save His people from their sins.” We must...