The context or some other restrictive element will determine the meaning in which each word is used in any given passage, and this meaning is the sense of the word. The signification of the word is its possible meaning; the sense of a word is its actual meaning in any given context. A...
of worship, has grown into ritual forms — whatever has become settled practice in the Church, should be respected by the individual, as a custom inherited from the fathers — with the condition, indeed, that when a ceremony has lost its original, correct meaning, or assumed a false one, ...
Bible translators stand at the intersection of the biblical world and their own, with the task of communicating an ancient text in a contemporary language. The Greek translator of Isaiah provides interesting examples of the issues and problems this task presents. For instance, he sometimes substitute...
Once the Body of real believers are raptured off the face of the earth, there will nothing left that will be able to stop the Antichrist from rising to full power. The rest of the world is going to be easily duped into believing in this man – especially with all of the false signs ...
We may theoretically distinguish pantheism and atheism from each other, but the man who can look around him and say that the universe is God, or that he himself is an incarnation of God, a finite particle of the Infinite Being, makes assertions tantamounth in meaning to the statement that...
Fourth, the meaning of the title “prophetic” changes, Schniedewind argues, to more of a government institution that Israelite refugees bring to Judah during the 8th century BCE, such that we now have comments like those in 1 Sam 9:9. In Chapter 7, Schniedewind considers how the ...
This explains everything and gives meaning to life. - Albert Einstein Education without values, as useful as it is, seems rather to just make man a more clever devil. -CS Lewis I believe in Christianity, as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because ...
Mohammedanism called by its professors Islam, meaning "resignation" or "entire submission" (i.e. to the will of God), in accordance with the Koran, which, as we have already seen in the article under that heading, is the Bible of the Mohammedan, and in the days of the Prophet was ...
so characteristic of the early stages of society, which gives to myth its peculiar dramatic expression, and stamps the popular creed of all nations with the character of a poetry of nature, of man, and of God." Hence. arises the great importance of mythological study for the religious studen...
Now long before I became interested in theology I had met this kind of theory elsewhere. The tradition of Jowett still dominated the study of ancient philosophy when I was reading Greats. One was brought up to believer that the real meaning of Plato had been misunderstood by Aristotle and ...