Candace.This name appears in the New Testament and is derived from a hereditary title meaning “queen mother.” Some Bible versions spell the name asKandake. Chloe.Looking for a biblical girl name that sounds like springtime? You’re in luck! This exquisite name evokes blossoms and new life,...
Amnon – Name meaning “faithful” Amram – Name meaning “exalted nation” Eli – Hebrew name that comes from “aly” (high). The biblical Eli was a high priest and the last judge of Israel. He trained the prophet, Samuel. Genesis –Gender-neutral namewithGreekand Hebrew origins; name ...
Abigail is a name that is similarly of Hebrew origin much like Mary is, but it’s one with a wholly different meaning to it. Your husbands might like this one because the meaning of the name Abigail is a father’s joy – you may just end up with a daughter who prefers her dad more...
Meaning: "young green shoot" Description: Chloe is a pretty springtime name symbolizing new growth. Though slightly off its peak in the Top 10 in 2010, Chloe still ranks in the Top 20 and is solidly a modern classic. Origin: Hebrew or Arabic ...
TheHebrew meaning of Isaacis "to laugh," based on the story in Genesis that Abraham laughed when God told him that he and his wife Sarah, both of whom were aged, would bear a son. Later,God tested Abraham's faithby telling him to sacrifice Isaac as a burnt offering, and Abraham was...
Jewish people from being killed in her own country. This feat continues to be commemorated annually via the holiday of Purim, and an entire book of the Bible is devoted to the woman in honor of her extraordinary deeds. And the name’s meaning, star, is as gorgeous as the queen herself....
You may also like:Most popular baby names of every decade You may also like:Unique baby names from the year you were born 在网络上 Discover Scholarships for Your Studies in Datong WishJobs 10 Mobile Apps That Can Make You Money Wish Jobs ...
plans for the summer itinerary, Maestro Milne regrets his promise to hosts the college students and especially seems to dislike McKay. How God uses what the Maestro sees as major inconveniences in his life to bring about change and a reckoning about life’s meaning is a wonderful thing to ...