The Bondservants Life: Foundation for Understanding Prophecy, and a Call to Maturity, Love, and Unity in the Knowledge of God The Bondservants Life: Foundation for Understanding Prophecy, and a Call to Maturity, Love, and Unity in the Knowledge of God... JB Chandler - 《New Harbin...
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By no means should we count the teachings in Leviticus as obsolete – they are the word of God and had meaning then and have meaning to us today. We should remember that Jesus said He came to uphold the law and teachings of God, not make them obsolete. As long as we as believers to...
who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men. And being found in appearance as a man, ...
But all three mentions of demons seem to treat “demon” as meaning “idol” or “false god” – they’re all mentioned in the context of condemning those who sacrifice to them. Note that Leviticus does say “goat demons”, which might have something to do with the modern image of the...
TheHebrew meaning of Isaacis "to laugh," based on the story in Genesis that Abraham laughed when God told him that he and his wife Sarah, both of whom were aged, would bear a son. Later,God tested Abraham's faithby telling him to sacrifice Isaac as a burnt offering, and Abraham was...
The Lord's Supper, also called communion or the eucharist (meaning "thanksgiving" in Greek), holds deep significance for a believer and should not be underestimated. More than just a memorial to remember Jesus' death and resurrection, the Lord's Supper is also a declaration of one's continu...
TheHebrew meaning of Isaacis "to laugh," based on the story in Genesis that Abraham laughed when God told him that he and his wife Sarah, both of whom were aged, would bear a son. Later,God tested Abraham's faithby telling him to sacrifice Isaac as a burnt offering, and Abraham was...
Mohammed or Mahomet (written also Mahonsmed or Mahommet, and Mtuhamed or Muhamet, an Arabic word meaning the predicted Messiah; applied to him in allusion to Hag 2:7; but formerly called, according to a tradition quoted by Halabi, Kothanm) was a great Arabian legislator, who not only ...
The relevant meaning of alien as an adjective is, “relating, belonging, or owing allegiance to another country or government;” and as a noun, “a foreign-born resident who has not been naturalized and is still a subject or citizen of a foreign country.” In my opinion, these five ...