The meaning of the Hebrew word (*H7812 shachah) to bow down, is to depress, prostrate oneself (in homage to royalty or God), to bow oneself down, to humbly beseech, worship or to do obeisance.7 This word is used as indicated in verses 7, 9 & 10 above, in reference not only to...
The lengths of the bounds (a stade or furlong apart) give some idea of the severity of the trial, and serve to illustrate the meaning of the apostle when he speaks of running with patience the race set before him (ὐπομονή, sustained effort), Indeed, one Ladas, a victor of...
The 1st recorded bloodshed in the Bible is the penal substitutionary atoning sacrifice of an animal in the garden by God Himself to cover the sins of Adam and Eve. The skin of this animal was used to cover their nakedness. This picture of the eventual bloodshed of Jesus was represented i...
This is the only monumental notice supposed to refer to an eclipse: not worth much at the best; the record, even if its meaning were certain, is not contemporary. (II) In several inscriptions certain dates are given to the "manifestation of Sothis," assumed to mean the heliacal rising of...
4. Genre (a type or kind of something - poetry/verse, narrative/prose, and wisdom). Given the same rules of interpretation, two people should reach the same meaning unless one of them is guilty of isogesis (adding meaning to the text). Why is genre important? Genre is important because...
The most important difference between Ben-Naphtali and Ben-Asher is the reading of שלהבת יה, Song of Songs, 8:6, as two words, while Ben- Asher reads it as one word, שלהבתיה, both readings having the same meaning. In a very convenient form these...