The Obstacle (τὸ κατέχον).— Before leaving the apostolical passages on Antichrist, it is expedient to inquire into the meaning of the "obstacle" alluded to in the last paragraph: that which "withholdeth" (τὸ κατέχον, 2Th 2:6); described also in ver. 7 ...
Marui, meaning dark; Span. Moros), the original designation of the inhabitants of the ancient Mauritania or Morocco (q.v). The Arabs, who entered and conquered this country in the 7th century, denominated the native population Moghrebins, i.e., "Westerners," or "men of the West," but ...
Jews keep the Feast of Hanukkah on the very same day. This happens only occasionally. Because of thelunisolarsystem of the Jewish year, the exact date of Hanukkah changes every year, but it usually falls between late November and late December in the Gregorian calendar. ...