The relevant meanings of syndicate are defined as “a group of persons or concerns who combine to carry out a particular transaction or project; [and] a loose association of racketeers in control of organized crime….” The relevant meaning of alien as an adjective is, “relating, belonging, ...
(5) So, any modification of definition today is useless if it cancels or contradicts the intended meaning of the original term in Scripture. If there were never an intended meaning of the original term, then whatever that term was, it was not a discernible word with meaning. (6) The modi...
Truth, Experience, and Meaning Prayer Under the Microscope Clones Have Souls The "Jesus Never Existed" Fable The Eulogy of Meaning An Apologetic for Apologetics Biblical Examples of Apologetics God is an Apologist Not So Fast: There is No Presumption of Atheism ...
שֶׁלֶם is the sacrifice or retribution restoring peace, and thus the meaning of σωτήριον touches upon the meaning of propitiation. "From this comparison, therefore, of the N.T.. the Sept., and the Hebrew, we gather the following conclusions: Propitiation, giving ...
Watch the videoto review all the YIQTOL forms of the verb meaning “to reign.” We’ll also practice saying them using the example root letters. *Here is a chartof all the YIQTOL forms using “to reign” as our example verb. As you learn these forms, focus on the prefixes and suffi...
James Holmes was a moral relativist who targeted a movie theater in order to stress no motivations for his killings. He was killing to kill. His notebook describing his motivations is filled with questions on the meaning of good and evil and the value of life. Holmes has no social media ...
” In 1999 , Dr. Michael Molnar , a Christian astronomer, published “The Star of Bethlehem – The Legacy of the Magi.” H is findings included the meaning behind the “Ram and Star” coins from Antioch along with the most likely “ heavenly alignment” constituting the “Star of Bethlehem...
It also happens that, in perfectly good faith, he changes passages which seem to him corrupt because he fails to understand them, that he adds a word which he deems necessary for the elucidation of the meaning, that he substitutes a more correct grammatical form, or what he considers a ...
as the official designation of the Holy Saviour. It is a verbal noun (see Simonis Arcanum Form. Hebr. Ling. p. 92 sq.), derived from מָשִׁח, and has much the same meaning as the participle מָשׁוּח (2Sa 3:39, and occasionally in the Pentateuch)...
TheHebrew meaning of Isaacis "to laugh," based on the story in Genesis that Abraham laughed when God told him that he and his wife Sarah, both of whom were aged, would bear a son. Later,God tested Abraham's faithby telling him to sacrifice Isaac as a burnt offering, and Abraham was...