Thus Cyrus, the king of Persia, is termed "the Lord's anointed" (Isa 45:1); the Hebrew patriarchs, when sojourning in Canaan, are termed "God's anointed ones" (Ps 105:15); and the Israelitish people receive the same appellation from the prophet Habakkuk (Hab 3:13). It is ...
restrictions of any moment on the kingly power, it was probably disregarded in practice. The following passage of sir John Malcolm respecting the shahs. of Persia may, with some slight modifications, be regarded as fairly applicable to the Hebrew monarchy under David and Solomon: " The monarch ...
Images of signs related to archaeology, biblical events, biblical people (tribes, judges, kings,prophets, apostles), biblical places (cities, mountains, temple, bodies of water, valleys), biblical verses, and more... $24.00$29.99 Persia
Histories say that the name belonged to a Persian queen named Esther of Persia. She was a famous leader who stopped the Jewish people from being killed in her own country. This feat continues to be commemorated annually via the holiday of Purim, and an entire book of the Bible is devoted ...
Persia, Achaemenid Kings AV Gold Daric, Xerxes I - Darius II, Fine, 485 - 420 B.C.E. SOLD $1,635.00 Quick view Russia, Catherine II the Great AR Rubel, Very Fine, 1765 $429.00 Add to Cart Quick view August der Jüngere AR Taler. Braunschweig-Wolfenbuttel, German States, VF, 1658...
Vashti – Name meaning “goodness.” The biblical Vashti was the queen of Persia, replaced by Esther as the wife of King Ahasuerus. Names With Beautiful Meanings For Boys Abdias – Prophet Abdiel – Servant of God Abel – Name meaning “breath.” The biblical Abel was the second son of Ad...
Calendars are powerful political, religious and social tools. Their symbolism incorporates spiritual, temporal, cosmological, celestial, numerical and agricultural truths, often in the guise of cultural myth. The authority ancient kings, carried througho
magus (pl. magi) a member of a priestly caste of ancient Persia. (See also Magi.) • a sorcerer. magi: plural form of magus . “Magi”, with a capital M, is only used in the plural: Magi (the Magi) the “wise men” from the East who brought gifts to the infant Jesus (Matt...
(Ezekiel 8:10-12). The Hebrews were conquered by the Babylonians, marched into exile and returned to Palestine under Persian domination. The king of Persia, Cyrus the Great, a monotheist, financed the Hebrew temple at Jerusalem. But as late as 100AD, the Hebrews continued to carve YHWH ...
(London: 1818), has collected from several sources statements that all agree on the points he presents, that the apostle Thomas traveled through Persia into India, where he raised up many churches. "From thence he went to China, and preached the gospel in the city of Cambala, [which is]...